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November 17, 2010


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The Paycheck Fairness Act would provide that protection

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The bill would also provide technical assistance to employers and provide important safeguards for small businesses.

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Je suis très d'accord, mais l'impression que j'ai oublié. J'ai trois petits enfants aussi. Un petit écart b / w le premier et le second pour qu'il contribue à une tonne, mais c'était juste lui depuis si longtemps, qu'il manque un peu de l'autosuffisance. Il a été dorloté pendant si longtemps que parfois il revient.

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yes i agree i think blogs need to be unique or nobody will remember it or come back to visit


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The author's anremugt in my opinion is leaning towards Lebron's potential to be the greatest player ever, but if we stick to the immediate question of who is better right now then whats the answer? Kobe, and i say this b/c he can do everything lebron can do at this point and he does somethings much much better and more consistently then lebron. there is not one thing i can think of that lebron can do better than kobe right now so to address who has potential to end their respective careers as the better player? definitely lebron. theres the difference that i see with these two players.


them super lame and no heat compaired to all the kobe's that dpeoprd, the Hollywood 3-d and the rice where the best off them all. then follows the all-star and grinch , but ur duckes r lame and u can find them anywhere.

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