Well Data Subscriptions

The following data sets are available either on CD or by FTP. Pricing does not include the cost of CDs and postage. Note: Some data is provided in the original EBCDIC format. Conversion of data and choice of conversion tools is the responsibility of the user.  Refer to the General Ordering page for further details.

Gas Master

Oil Master

Well Bore Data

Well Data

Well Bore Query Data


Well Bore Data

Format: EBCDIC - The conversion of the data in EBCDIC format and choice of conversion tools is the responsibility of the user.

Every proposed hole in Texas relating to oil and gas drilling has an API (American Petroleum Institute) number assigned to it. Records for each hole drilled are set up in the Well Bore database by API number. These records contain completion, plugging, formation, and other information related to the well bore. Dummy API numbers have been assigned to old wells drilled prior to implementation of the API numbering technique. Information on the most of the wells ever drilled in Texas is contained in the Full Well Bore file.

Please review the user manual for additional details (PDF version or Word version). (Publication #WBA091. Hard copy purchase price, $16.00)


 FTP Price
Full Well Bore $242.00

Well Bore Query Data (RRC Online Oil & Gas Queries), FTP Price: $275 annually

Format: ASCII  - The conversion of the data in ASCII format and choice of conversion tools is the responsibility of the user.

This data set provides data related to oil and gas well bores used in the RRC Online Oil & Gas Data Well Bore Query.  The query URL is http://webapps2.rrc.state.tx.us/EWA/wellboreQueryAction.do.  The Well Bore Query data set provides a way for users to search for wells by district, lease, county, field, operator, drilling permit number, API number, on/off schedule, or well type. The file is run at the beginning of each month; the price is for 12 consecutive monthly files.

Please review the user manual for additional details (PDF version or Word version). (Publication hard copy purchase price, $6.00)

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Gas Master

Format: EBCDIC - The conversion of the data in EBCDIC format and choice of conversion tools is the responsibility of the user.

The Gas Master contains the most recent 12months of production and 14 months of allowable data for each gas well in the state of Texas. Also included is general gas information pertaining to the individual fields, field allocation formulas and their corresponding factors; general gas information pertaining to the individual wells, gatherers, and balancing status; general information pertaining to individually completed wells and multiple completions; well testing information, well allowable and well production information. This data is updated daily and is used for producing many of the RRC reports pertaining to gas fields and wells.

Please review the user manual for additional details (PDF version or Word version). (Publication #GSA020. Hard copy purchase price, $16.00)

RRC DistrictFTP Price
1, 2, & 3 $ 20.00
4, 5, &6 $ 20.00
7B, 7C, 8, 8A, 9 &10 $ 20.00
All Districts $ 24.00


Oil Master

Format: EBCDIC - The conversion of the data in EBCDIC format and choice of conversion tools is the responsibility of the user.

The Oil Master contains the most recent 12 months of production and 14 months of allowable data for each oil lease in the state of Texas. Also included is general oil information pertaining to the individual fields, field allocation formulas and their corresponding factors; general oil information pertaining to the individual leases, gatherers, balancing status, allowable and production information; general information pertaining to individually completed wells and multiple completions, well testing information, allowable and production information. This data is updated daily and is used for producing many of the RRC reports pertaining to oil fields, leases, and wells.

Please review the user manual for additional details (PDF version or Word version).(Publication #OLA013. Hard copy purchase price, $16.00)

RRC DistrictFTP Price
1 & 2 $ 20.00
3 $ 20.00
4 $ 20.00
5 & 6 $ 20.00
6E $ 20.00
7B $ 20.00
7C $ 20.00
8 $ 20.00
8A $ 20.00
9 $ 20.00
10 $ 20.00
All Districts $ 40.00

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Well Data

Format: EBCDIC - The conversion of the data in EBCDIC format and choice of conversion tools is the responsibility of the user.

The primary file of the automated well system is the Well Database. It is an on-line, disk resident file that contains testing and technical information related to oil and gas wells. The file information is made available in two volumes, the oil wells or the gas wells. The Well Database contains allowable, G-10 and W-10 testing/technical information on a well basis for the most recent 26 month reporting period.

Please review the user manual for additional details (PDF version or Word version). (Publication #WLA001. Hard copy purchase price, $22.00)


If you are interested in receiving the database as a single file, please order the Statewide file. If you order All Districts, you will receive 13 files for the Oil Well Districts or 12 files for the Gas Well Districts.

RRC DistrictFTP Price
Per Oil District
FTP Price
Per Gas District
1 $ 49.00 $ 23.00
2 $ 22.00 $ 30.00
3 $ 40.00 $ 32.00
4 $ 23.00 $ 59.00
5 $ 22.00 $ 24.00
6 $ 29.00 $ 40.00
6E $ 29.00 N/A
7B $ 49.00 $ 34.00
7C $ 39.00 $ 34.00
8 $ 110.00 $ 28.00
8A $ 79.00 $ 20.00
9 $ 71.00 $ 31.00
10 $ 40.00 $ 40.00
All Districts $ 385.00 $ 196.00


Statewide Well Data
(All Districts as One File)
FTP Price
Oil $ 402.00
Gas $ 222.00
Oil and Gas $ 606.00

Last Updated: 12/4/2014 3:00:53 PM