Icon for Keep Believing With Me

Keep Believing With Me

The genius and beauty of our democracy is that, ultimately, the power rests with the people. Even when the results don’t go the way we want them to, we celebrate the fact that we live in a country in which the people get to decide their elected leaders, and tonight the people of Texas have […]

Icon for Annie’s List: Electing More Texas Women

Annie’s List: Electing More Texas Women

For more than ten years now, an incredible organization called Annie’s List has been working to change the face of power here in Texas, electing more women to office and bringing a much-needed balanced perspective to our state government.

Icon for For Those Who Signed an X

For Those Who Signed an X

Yesterday I spent the day knocking on doors with my co-workers on the beautiful and historic streets of Dallas.

At one of my first homes, I met an 83-year-old African American man named Mr. Darren who talked at great length about the history of the neighborhood, the richness of the faith community in his life, and the lives of the community of Dallas.