Texas House Member

Member Photo

Rep. King, Phil

District 61


Capitol Address:

Room 1N.5, Capitol
P.O. Box 2910
Austin, TX 78768
(512) 463-0738
(512) 463-1957 Fax

District Address:

102 Houston Ave
Weatherford, TX 76086
(817) 596-4796

Counties Represented:

Parker, Wise


Member Press Releases 2014


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Press Conferences:

Member Press Conferences



As State Representative for the 61st District, Phil King represents the people of Parker and Wise counties in the Texas Legislature. He has earned a reputation as a principle-driven conservative who consistently provides key leadership in passing some of Texas' most sweeping public policy legislation.

King currently serves on the Energy Resources and Pensions committees. He is also a member of the Joint Interim Committee to Study Water Desalination and the Energy Resources Subcommittee on Seismic Activity. King serves as first vice-chair of the American Legislative Exchange Council where he will assume the chairmanship in December, and on the Board of Directors of the Texas Conservative Coalition Research Institute. As chair of the Regulated Industries Committee for three legislative sessions, he worked to promote competition in the electricity and telecommunications markets. King is a frequent speaker on public policy issues impacting Texas.

King serves as a Lt. Colonel in the Texas State Guard, one of three branches of the Military Forces of the State of Texas. The Guard assists and augments the Texas National Guard and Texas civil authorities during state emergencies and in homeland security.

He is a practicing attorney with the firm of Eggleston King. Representative King and his family are active members of Trinity Bible Church. Phil and his wife Terry are the proud parents of six children, six granddaughters and four grandsons.

last updated on 08/18/2014