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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

XTO Energy ~ A Master of Disguise?

If Arlington ever decides to host a "Master of Disguise" contest for "Best Concealment of Drill Site Equipment,"  XTO deserves to win the first-place prize.  This is not a strip mall of donut shops, dry cleaners, or smoke shops ~ it's even worse than that.  We are fairly certain that these concealment walls house gas lift compressors.  

Noisy compressors that can run off  RAW NATURAL GAS emit toxins into the air shed and thus, industry may register or obtain a permit (depending upon the size of the engine) through the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.   Densely populated regions typically require electric compressors since gas compressors burn hydrocarbons.  Arlington does NOT mandate in its gas drilling ordinance that industry use electric ~ but hey,  why should they when industry helped write it.   

Fact:  When there is no rule, industry takes the cheapest route.

One resident from this area reported that when her grandchild comes to visit in this neighborhood he suffers recurrent nosebleeds.   When he returns to his home (away from drilling) he is fine.  People are also complaining about mothball type odors.

So, in addition to towering rigs erected next to homes, condensate tanks, truck traffic, industrial noise, flying frac sand, flowback vapors, and the installation of gas gathering pipelines transporting (NON-odorized) gas near our homes and schools, was the public supposed to "Intuitively" know about the addition of gas lift compressors too?  Why is it that so many people thought there would be one well and that well would be "miles away" and "we would never know they were here?"  Shouldn't the landmen have disclosed all of these details before hastily coercing people into signing leases?

  Rest assured, states an XTO official, "There are no impacts beyond the walls of these sites." 

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If you have any information or photos you would like to share,  please feel free to e-mail us. 

A big hug and thanks to our resident photographer for obtaining these photos of the Rose Drill Site located at 8101 U.S. Hwy. 287 in Arlington, Texas. 
Y'all come back! 


  1. I want sprinkles on my donuts. Does that pool have a diving board?

    1. We need to see about getting a diving board. A slide would be really cool too. I just bought a nice swimsuit today for the occasion.

  2. "Flying frac sand" The son of a very good friend of mine just got a job hauling frac sand. He was told to shave his mustache and beard because the sand he would be hauling is radioactive and could be very dangerous to him if it lodged in facial hair. I remember when we had the frac sand spill on Hwy 377 in Argyle and the industry said not to worry that it was just sand. This sand was dangerously close to our schools. I told my friend all I could to help him talk his son out of this job, but his son needs the work, and they are going to provide him all kinds of safety clothing, equipment, and training. We all know they don't give a darn about any of us! Great post, but we all know that even if you put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig. I saw your flying frac sand comment and had to share. I'm scared to death for my friend's son, he should be too!

    1. That is very concerning ~ radioactive sand ~ and all of this happening next to our homes, schools, and businesses. Seems we are seeing spikes in cancer rates in this area. Now we discovered a blog which talks about Depleted Uranium in perf guns. What's next?

  3. Maybe I should ask the rental agent...and see about getting one of these choice spots for my boutique.

  4. Depleted uranium. All the "proprietary chemicals" that they tell us are proprietary for competitive reasons...and therefore, no big deal. Right. What about ammonium nitrate "as the oxidizer for the Combustive-Oxidizing Solution"?
