M2.4 - 0km NW of Arlington, Texas (BETA) 2014-09-07 08:56:11 UTC


Location and Magnitude contributed by: USGS National Earthquake Information Center


Tectonic Summary

  1. Tectonic Summary

Additional Commentary

Felt (IV) at Arlington. Also felt at Carrollton and Grapevine.

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Location and Magnitude contributed by: USGS National Earthquake Information Center


Preferred Location Parameters

Parameter Value Uncertainty
Magnitude 2.4 mb_lg ± 0.10
Location 32.740°N, 97.113°W ± 1.7 km
Depth 4.1 km ± 7.1 km
Number of Stations Used Not Specified
Number of Phases Used 31
Minimum Distance 48.8 km (0.44°)
Travel Time Residual 0.53 sec
Azimuthal Gap 41°
Review Status MANUAL
Event ID usb000sa4b
See the “Contributed Solutions” for a list of all contributed location parameters.

Contributed Solutions
