Volunteers made colorful capes for children spending time in hospitals

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DALLAS — Superman, Spider-Man and Wonder Woman are all good options, but some North Texas children have some even better superheroes living in their own backyard.

A group of people from the Union coffeehouse in Dallas turned part of its shop into sewing and painting stations on Saturday.

Volunteers spent hours making colorful capes for children in the hospital. Capes 4 Kids actually launched a Kickstarter campaign and raised more than $3,000 for materials.

This weekend, more than a dozen of those volunteers put those funds to good use for children who are fighting the villains of disease.

"Recognizing that, and supplying them with a cape, can be that emotional push to sort of get through the really tough times," explained volunteer Cody Reynolds.

The group plans to dress up like superheroes themselves, then distribute the capes in person to children in local hospitals.

Volunteers with the Capes 4 Kids program cut, stitched and painted superhero costumes for young hospital patients. WFAA

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