PLANO The biggest of hearts are now suffering a world of hurt.

'When you go from being this active man who works 100 hours a week it seems, to a hospital bed for 13 days, it's scary for him,' said Ara Hunt, in a conference room in Texas Health Presbyterian in Plano, a few floors below her husband's room.

It was one of the few times she's left his side.

We introduced you to the Hunts last fall. They decided to adopt a young man who had been featured on Channel 8. He was a homeless 18-year-old who had aged out of the foster care system.

He was the biological brother of a girl the Hunts had adopted years ago.

'We've spent our life adopting and giving, because that's what we are called to do,' Ara said.

Two weeks ago, while riding a horse, Robert was thrown to the ground. He suffered a partially collapsed lung and massive internal bleeding.

He was sent home from one hospital after an initial visit, but days later was back in another medical facility. Internal bleeding continued, and his spleen had to be removed.

The hospital stay means bills are piling up. With Robert and Ara off work, financial fears are creeping in.

'I never ever want to ask for a dime, but I also don't want to lose everything... and I don't want my kids to suffer right now. That's the hardest part, beacuse they're scared,' Ara said through tears.

Friends set up an online donation page to benefit the Hunt family. Help is coming in, but more is needed.

'He's fearful for his family, but he also knows and we just prayed it upstairs that God's got us,' Ara said.


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