ROYSE CITY, Texas A Royse City High School baseball player has organized a fundraiser to help a girl badly hurt in an ATV crash in town over the Fourth of July holiday.

Isaiah Moss, 16, has spent part of his summer trying to make a difference.

'I just had an idea of trying to help out the community and helping the youth league,' he said.

The center fielder and pitcher for Royse City told his mom he was looking for a way to combine service with his favorite sport.

'We have friends that are on the youth sports board, and I said, 'Why don't you call and see!'' Shannon Kirby said.

Moss reached the Royse City Youth Baseball and Softball Association Commissioner David Hutton.

'I had Isaiah come out and discuss some of his ideas,' Hutton said.

And he knew just the person who could benefit.

Keylee Latham had been in Royse City over the Fourth of July holiday. She'd been riding an ATV with friends when it flipped, landed on top of her, and exploded.

'It just kind of hit home -- I've got two small kids, one the exact same age as her,' Hutton said.

The 11-year-old has burns over 51 percent of her body. She was treated at Parkland Hospital in Dallas, before moving to Shriners Hospital in Galveston. You can follow Keylee's recovery on her Facebook page, Prayers For Keylee.

Her family does not have medical insurance. What they will have is every dime raised this Friday night at Isaiah's baseball and softball event for kids from tee-ball to 14 years old.

It's scheduled for Friday night at Walker Hawk Sports Complex in Royse City.

  • Click here for more on how you can attend Friday's event, or help add to the total raised for Keylee and her family.

'They'll get to run the bases, throw the ball a little bit, have a home run derby, and all the proceeds from concessions and money at the gate will go to her family,' Moss said.

He feels it's the least he can do for a little girl he doesn't know, but feels privileged to help.


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