Export a map

You can export and download an entire map or just some information on it. That way, you can import and see your geographical data in other apps. For example, on a map with cross-country driving directions and restaurants along the way, download just the directions so you can visualize it in Google Earth.

Export your map's data

  1. Click the folder icon folder in the left panel.
  2. Select Export as KML.
  3. Choose the layer you want to export, or click Entire map
  4. [Optional] To export as network link, check the box.
  5. Click Export.

Note: A KML map link updates about every 10 minutes. If you see a delay in updates, check back shortly.

Export the data of a map shared with you

Sometimes, the owner of a map may provide view-only access. This means you can’t edit the map by adding places or layers, but you can still export the map’s data.

  1. Click the share button  in the legend.
  2. Select Download KML.
  3. Choose the layer you want to export, or click Entire map.
  4. [Optional] To export as network link, check the box.
  5. Click Export.

Keep data up-to-date with network links

Downloading the KML file will allow you to import and view your geographical data in other apps, including Google Earth. No internet connection is required.

Network links are a useful way to keep data up to date. However, because network links are hyperlinks, they are only available for viewing when your computer is connected to the internet. The map must be public for the network link option to work (it will be grayed out if the map isn't public).