Comments Received on Proposed Amendments to §3.80

The following are comments received by the RRC concerning proposed amendments to §3.80 regarding the table that lists the forms. The comment period ended at noon on 5/12/2014.  All comments are provided in Adobe Acrobat format.  Email addresses of members of the public have been redacted (blacked out) in accordance with the Public Information (Open Records) Act, Texas Government Code, sec. 552.137, except (1) where the member of the public has affirmatively consented to the release of such comments, as expressly authorized by Government Code sec. 552.137(b); or (2) where the e-mail address appears "on a letterhead, coversheet, printed document, or other document made available to the public," as expressly authorized by Texas Government Code sec. 552.137(c)(4).

Texas Oil and Gas Association

Last Updated: 8/20/2014 4:09:19 PM