John McCaa's Thanksgiving poem

What a tough year it's been... that we've all been through… Ebola, beheadings … now Ferguson too.

All that hate that sent Twitter on fire… and aglitter…

Changed Facebook to "race" book… …social media to litter.

A tough year it's been this 2014. But if you look back... not as bad as it seems…

Apart from the crime, the deaths and bad living… Have been stories of people and incredible giving…

Like Natalie Dubose. Who owns Natalie's cakes…A Ferguson bakery… burned down to the stakes.

Faced with ending her dream... and nothing to do. It's been strangers and customers... who've pulled her through.

More than 200,000 they raised this past week... Bringing a smile to her face… tears to her cheeks.

Then there's Dr. Kent Brantly and Nina and Amber... Whose fight for life… was a medical clamber.

Or the strangers who've helped Ben in his last days of sight… see the places he's wanted... while the lights are still bright.

Not a perfect year... this one we've been living….

But certainly worthy of saying Happy Thanksgiving.

Read or Share this story: http://www.wfaa.com/story/features/2014/11/27/thanksgiving-mccaa/19591529/