Oil Spill Video: Make Exxon XOM Pay!

by TXsharon on April 5, 2013

in Arkansas, XOM

TAKE ACTION: Exxon spilled 84,000 gallons of crude oil in Arkansas and a legal loophole will let them get away with it

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Fracking Crazy April 5, 2013 at 2:27 pm

Soooo sad.

Just contacted the Animal Rescue in Arkansas, to try to help with the clean up…

Unbelievably, they are not able to do anything anymore, and she told me about a beaver that is sick that she wants to help…but can’t because Exxon won’t let them on site anymore.

They’re going to tally up their losses, and I will try to help them as much as possible.


TXsharon April 5, 2013 at 3:41 pm

Did you call the Hawk animal rescue place? There are also people who are stuck.


Robert Finne April 5, 2013 at 8:34 pm

This was made by a friend of mine who was out there up to her butt in oil chasing ducks and critters.
She told me an EXXON guy tried to stop her and she dared him to try and went on with her mission.
Pretty much she told the Exxon guy he could just SUCK HER DUCK!


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