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Congratulations everyone! It’s official: Frack Free Denton turned in nearly 2,000 signatures of registered voters who want to ban fracking within the city limits of our town. Thank you so much to everyone who signed, circulated petitions, knocked doors, tabled, hosted events, donated, played music, spread the word, and supported the first leg of this journey!

The final count was 1,936 signatures which is three times the amount required by the city! As NPR reported today, “Nearly as many people signed a petition to outlaw fracking within the city limits of Denton as voted in the last municipal election.”-  Read More

This is truly a citizens’ initiative in every sense and the support it has garnered is a true testament to how ready we are as a city to be frack free. As Cathy McMullen, president of DAG said today as she turned in the petitions to city hall, “We have something industry can’t buy: a community that wants to protect each other”. We thank you so much for your part in this first phase.

The petition will now go to city council. They have the chance to accept it or reject it. If they accept it, it becomes an official ordinance. If they reject it, it will go to the people for a vote, most likely on the November ballot.

As you may have heard, the city council passed a moratorium last night on new frack permits. We want to be clear, they did not pass a ban. The moratorium only applies to new permits. It does not affect any of the nearly 300 existing wells in city limits. It does not stop the ongoing activity in especially vulnerable places such as the Vintage and Meadows at Hickory Creek neighborhoods where fracking is occurring less than 200 ft. from residents’ back doors. It allows for variances meaning that even under a moratorium, the council may still approve permits for new fracking. For this and many other reasons, we need a ban on fracking in the city limits to truly protect our community.

Here are the ways you can help as we move into the next phase of the campaign: winning the vote!


1) Make sure you are registered to vote. You can check your status or register to vote here

2) You won’t get a gold star like in the movies, but it is very easy and only takes a few minutes to become a Deputy Registrar and register others to vote! They take walk-ins at: 701 Kimberly Drive, Suite A101, Denton, TX 76208, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

3) DONATE on our website. The industry has already began deceptive push-polling and won’t be letting up anytime soon. We need funds to fight this battle! Please donate!

4) Sign up for our mailing list by writing to Keep in the know about upcoming events and ways to help. Help us by keeping in touch!

5) Keep spreading the word. It is a powerful act to just talk to your neighbors. Keep the conversation going face to face and on social media. Remember we are on Facebook and Twitter too!

Together, we far exceeded our goal, turning in 2,000 signatures for a Frack Free Denton!  Now just imagine what we can do together to win the vote! Congratulations and let’s keep going!

See all the great media coverage of today at the links below:

Huffington Post and Associated Press: Texas city could be first in state to ban fracking

CBS DFW: Thousands Support Citizen-led Movement against Fracking

Channel 5 News: Denton voters could vote to ban fracking

Channel 8 News: Future of Fracking in Denton Faces Challenges

DeSmog Blog:Residents Deliver Petition to Ban Fracking to City Hall in Denton, Texas

Denton Record Chronicle:Petition delivered to force vote on fracking ban

Associated Press Article also covered by Ft Worth Star Telegram

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