Reeve Hamilton Reporter

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Ebola Task Force's Report Includes Call for New Facility

Texas Task Force on Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response Director Dr. Brett Giroir during a press conference at the Texas State Capitol on October 17th, 2014 joined by Gov. Perry, Dr. Kyle Janek, Col. Steve McCraw and Chief Nim Kidd
Texas Task Force on Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response Director Dr. Brett Giroir during a press conference at the Texas State Capitol on October 17th, 2014 joined by Gov. Perry, Dr. Kyle Janek, Col. Steve McCraw and Chief Nim Kidd

In a new report, the Texas Task Force on Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response called for the establishment of a treatment facility specifically for children, among other recommendations.

Perry Stepping Up His Presidential Game

Texas Gov. Rick Perry spoke at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Library on Oct. 27, 2014.
Texas Gov. Rick Perry spoke at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Library on Oct. 27, 2014.

If he opts to run for president again, Gov. Rick Perry wants to ensure that his entry into the field bears little resemblance to 2011, when he jumped into the Republican presidential primaries with little preparation or forethought.

Still at Abbott's Side, Hodge Readies for a New Role

Texas Governor-Elect Greg Abbott introduces Daniel Hodge as interim chief of staff who will oversee the transition team from a Perry administration to an Abbott shop.
Texas Governor-Elect Greg Abbott introduces Daniel Hodge as interim chief of staff who will oversee the transition team from a Perry administration to an Abbott shop.

Little known outside the halls of Texas government, Daniel Hodge has become one of its more powerful behind-the-scenes figures. That's only becoming more true: He's expected to serve a key role in the new governor's administration.

Giroir Prepping State for Ebola or Next Virus

Texas Sen. Charles Schwertner, Dr. Brett Giroir and Gov. Rick Perry at an Ebola press conference at the Texas Capitol on Oct. 6, 2014.
Texas Sen. Charles Schwertner, Dr. Brett Giroir and Gov. Rick Perry at an Ebola press conference at the Texas Capitol on Oct. 6, 2014.

Though Texas has weathered its first Ebola crisis, the virus is expected to return, said the new head of a state task force on infectious diseases. Brett Giroir is calling upon his unique background to prepare the state for when that happens.

Appeals Court Denies Request to Rehear Fisher v. UT

University of Texas at Austin President Bill Powers spoke on June 24, 2013, about the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the case of Fisher v. UT-Austin.
University of Texas at Austin President Bill Powers spoke on June 24, 2013, about the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the case of Fisher v. UT-Austin.

Abigail Fisher's case against the University of Texas at Austin over the consideration of race in admissions for students not admitted through the state's top 10 percent law was dealt another blow on Wednesday.

Battleground Texas Leader to Supporters: "Look Forward"

Despite a double-digit shortfall in most early polls, Democratic candidate Wendy Davis predicts victory in the race for Texas governor on Oct. 22, 2014.
Despite a double-digit shortfall in most early polls, Democratic candidate Wendy Davis predicts victory in the race for Texas governor on Oct. 22, 2014.

Though the candidates supported by Battleground Texas were pummeled on Election Day, the group's executive director is encouraging its supporters to keep their chins up.