We were there

"I don't know why some people are allowed in and others aren't." The American Legislative Exchange Council, the right-wing corporate lobbyist group, has its annual D.C. summit this week.

Where do we go from here?

The magazine says that its central source in an explosive story about gang rape may not be totally credible.

Such a disappointment!

How do you snark at a show that's just okay?

How low is the bar to join the Cleveland Police?

In one incident, a 300-pound officer sat on a 13 year-old boy and punched the boy in the face repeatedly while the boy was handcuffed in the back of a police car

Some of the incidents laid out in the report reflect such questionable judgment that they would almost be comic if they did not end so tragically.

He was delivering fast food to his kids

Protesters took to the streets on Thursday in response to the death of Rumain Brisbon.

Some GOOD news!

Believe it or not, there have been some bright spots in 2014.

BREAKING: The economy added 321,000 jobs in November and the unemployment rate is 5.8% thkpr.gs/3600053

A 4.3 mile RIVER OF OIL.

Israeli media is reporting that a nature reserve has been flooded and more than 80 people have been hospitalized due to the spill.

A movement is born

In barely two years, fast food worker strikes have spread from New York City to 190 others, jumping to other low-wage industries in the process.

Listen up

The backlash to a recent story about a gang rape at UVA has been partially based on the notion that the story is too horrific to be true. Research says otherwise.


Premiums will decrease, on average, in at least 14 states.

We read it so you don't have to

The bill affords $63.7 billion to “overseas contingency operations” in Afghanistan and Iraq. Didn't President Obama promise to end those wars?

Yes, this can happen

South Carolina is a reminder that indictment is possible, albeit rare.

The real reason Google stopped renewable energy research

Two Google engineers have written a confusing article explaining why Google stopped its advanced R&D effort into renewable energy back in 2011. The answer they offer makes little sense. Here's why -- along with an answer that does make sense.

Needed now more than ever

Body cams are a great start, but there is other emerging technology that can help curb police abuse.

Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it

The tragic tale of Eric Garner's death bears a striking resemblance to another police chokehold case that reached the Supreme Court in 1983.

It's not pretty...

One billion gallons just this year

"Kids will be kids?"

If your 12-year-old son is holding a toy gun, a Facebook post instructs, “[p]olice will respond as though it is a real gun until it can be confirmed one way or the other."

Read it.

The latest digital protest in response to police brutality highlights how well white people are treated by cops.

Take a seat

The former NYC mayor had strong feelings about the current one.

Missouri: YOLO

Why repeal a law through the legitimate constitutional process, when you have other means at your disposal?

It's time to face reality

While the impetus for McQuilliams’ onslaught remains unclear, local authorities recently announced that he may have been motivated by religion — but not the one you might think.

The time to start caring is yesterday

We can expect more of this as climate change gets worse. thkpr.gs/3598719

We can expect more of this as climate change gets worse. thkpr.gs/3598719

Maybe it was the killing of prostitutes that sent them over the edge

The video game is being pulled from 300 store shelves after a petition against it garnered tens of thousands of signatures.

Yes, he really said that...

"I think it is important to know that some politician put a tax of $5.85 on a pack of cigarettes," Paul explained.

It makes no sense. So how did it happen?

Strange bedfellows

The justices are once again turning their attention to reproductive rights -- but pro-choice and pro-life groups are rooting for the same outcome.

“The brave man lives, while the cowardly man just survives.”

“We couldn't go outside anymore,” the younger brother said. "The cartels would get us. They shoot up houses. They shoot people on the streets."


"The mass loss of these glaciers is increasing at an amazing rate," the study's co-author said.


The company behind the country's most prominent real estate website allegedly operates under a culture more akin to a frat house than a professional workplace.


A grand jury voted not to file any charges against David Pantaleo, the New York Police Department cop who took the life of Eric Garner after putting him in a chokehold — a maneuver banned by the police department.

The Ferguson police cannot get it together

Police took to the media this week, saying they may charge Michael Brown's stepdad with a crime.

Uh oh

2014 is on track to be hottest year on record, according to new reports. This is remarkable since such records are typically set in years where the long-term manmade warming trend and the El Niño warming pattern combine. But this year, it's pretty much all global warming.

BREAKING UPDATE: 5th Circuit halts the execution of mentally ill Texas man who thought he’d been sentenced to death over a war with ‘demons’ http://thkpr.gs/3598350

Good news for all the married couples out there!

Divorce is so three decades ago.

The crazy year that is 2014

From Donald Sterling to butts...

It's a strange world we live in

The Supreme Court will hear arguments Wednesday in a case that will decide whether many women must choose between having a job and having a family -- or, at least, whether these women must put their jobs and their income on hold during their pregnancy.

It's a great time to be a kid

Google is using the excitement of getting presents on Christmas Day to get kids interested in computer coding.

“This is 100 percent, bar none, a First Amendment issue”

It wasn’t immediately clear why the majority of the council voted against the motion, but their actions were celebrated by opponents of the mosque, including many who protested outside the city council building before the vote.

At his trial he attempted to subpoena Jesus Christ, JFK, and the Pope

In the mid-1980s, according to Panetti's wife, he became "convinced the devil had possessed their home and that, in an effort to cleanse their surroundings . . . buried a number of valuables next to the house and engaged in other rituals."

“This is why I am saying my name. This is why I am not shutting up.”

The media has a longstanding practice of avoiding printing the names of rape victims. But some survivors want to take a different approach.

“Unfortunately what we see is elected officials trying to determine the outcome of the next election"

"Elected officials are trying to determine the outcome of the next election before we even know who the candidates are," Sharon Dolente with the Michigan Election Coalition told ThinkProgress.

Not so much...

The lawmaker who forced the last Anti-Homosexuality Law through in Uganda is fear-mongering again in support of another anti-gay bill.


The Ferguson protests came to the House floor Monday night, when a group of black lawmakers raised their hands in the gesture that has come to symbolize the movement. "'Hands up, don't shoot' is a rallying cry of people all across America wh...


Green energy is on the rise in Canada!

Green energy is on the rise in Canada!

Sometimes the truth just slips out

McConnell claimed that he would use the Court to accomplish what Republicans have failed to achieve legislatively: undo the law.

There is no upside

A study released Monday found that transferring national forests and other public lands to the state of Utah would cost taxpayers at least $280 million per year.

It's time.

The case involves an all-too-common scenario: deadly force against the mentally ill.

How she could do it. And how ordinary people could help her decide.

Inside the little-noticed, highly-sophisticated group that's making it much more difficult to get an abortion in America.

The sly anti-abortion organization responsible for 1/3 of the abortion restrictions that have passed since 2010.

We sure do know how to pick 'em

The Congressman-to-be's use of the word "bribe" caught his interviewer’s attention, but a different, less-inflammatory phrase in his remarks is concealing an even larger deception.

Mocking is easy. Too easy.

Shoppers who stampeded into gigantic retail outlets on "Black Friday" are easy targets for sarcastic sniping in the media, but they are also evidence of the larger failings of the U.S. economy.

But are the cops telling the truth?

Five Rams players held their own "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" protest Sunday; now the local police union wants them punished.