Frontrunner in State Senate Race says She'll End Discount Tuitio - FOX 26 News | MyFoxHouston

Frontrunner in State Senate Race says She'll End Discount Tuition for Undocumented

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In what has become a District 18 State Senate contest full of conservative one-ups-man-ship, front runner Lois Kolkhorst told Katy Republicans she'll be leading the charge to eliminate in-state college tuition for the undocumented - a mission personally pre-assigned her by incoming Lt. Governor Dan Patrick.

And Kolkhorst says her hardline will not stop there.

"I am telling the federal government you enforce the border or we will do it," said Kolkhorst.

To prove that on the floor of the Texas Senate the popular state representative from Brenham will have to beat a pair of fellow Republican candidates, both from Ft. Bend County.

Endorsed by Ron Paul, wealthy real estate developer Gary Gates has spent big dollars trying to convince conservative voters Kolkhorst is soft on the border and illegal immigrants.

"My opponent voted for in-state tuition 14 years ago and while she might be hesitant about it today, the thing is leadership. Look, if you voted for it then, take ownership of it," said Gates.

"I am not for in-state tuition for illegal immigrants or free tuition for illegal immigrants. That is completely false," said Kolkhorst in response.

Kolkhorst has drawn strong support from both the sitting governor and the one soon to be sworn in.

Opponent Charles Gregory, a Simonton attorney and waste company owner, claims the frontrunner is a career politician lacking his fresh ideas, which include de-salinization plants to address the state's water crisis.

"I think it's disgusting for Greg Abbott and Perry and Glen Hager to come out having endorsed a candidate that's an establishment politician, that will be sitting in the legislature for the next two years, which will make 16 years," said Gregory.

The election takes place Saturday, December 6th and some analysts believe Kolkhorst will attract enough support to win without need of a run-off.

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