New Mobile Phone Recycling Website Launches as 50 Million *Old* Phones Look for a Home

Responsibly recycling the phones that iPhone5s replace could prevent the creation of 2 million tons of mining waste.


October 16, 2012

Washington, D.C. and Minneapolis, Minn., October 16, 2012— As millions of new iPhones appear in mailboxes around the country, Earthworks, the only U.S. environmental watchdog focusing exclusively on the impacts of resource extraction on communities and the environment, announces the launch of their new Recycle My Cell Phone website.

Through the website, consumers can responsibly recycle their phones; reducing the demand for newly mined metals – including conflict minerals, and protecting groundwater by keeping hazardous metals out of landfills. For example, recovering the gold found in 50 million cell phones (iPhone5 sales are projected to reach 50 million by year’s end) could prevent the creation of 2 million tons of mining waste.

"Recycling helps protect communities and the environment in the U.S. and around the world by keeping hazardous chemicals out of landfills and reducing the demand for conflict mineral mining," said Earthworks’ Recycle My Cell Phone Manager Hilary Lewis. She continued, "We hope the public will embrace this easy option for recycling with the guarantee that their devices are being handled responsibly."

All cell phones collected through Recycle My Cell Phone are sent to MPC, a certified IT Asset Lifecycle Management (ITLM) company, where the phones are securely handled in accordance with the highest environmental and data security standards. All cell phones are either sanitized for reuse or physically destroyed and recycled in the United States.

MPC’s Senior Vice President, Gregg Bjork says what Earthworks is doing is noteworthy, “We are proud to be able to support Earthworks' efforts to promote environmental awareness. MPC has always strived to use the highest environmentally sound practices for electronics reuse and recycling and we are happy to partner with environmental organizations like Earthworks who share our passion.”

Earthworks encourages both individuals and groups to participate by visiting the program website at

“People with old mobile phones should ask themselves a simple question: ‘Do I want to help the environment or hurt it?’”, said Alan Septoff, Director of Strategic Communications.  He continued, “If the answer is ‘help’, then go to”



Earthworks is dedicated to protecting communities and the environment from the impacts of irresponsible mineral and energy development while seeking sustainable solutions. For more information on Earthworks and their "Recycle My Cell Phone" program, visit

MPC is an innovative IT asset Lifecycle Management (ITLM) business setting the standard for secure and certified services that ensure customers maximize the value they receive from technology throughout the entire lifecycle, from acquisition to disposition. Founded in 1983, MPC proudly holds R2, e-Stewards, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and NAID certifications. For more information on MPC and their Cell Phones for My Cause program, visit 

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Tagged with: recycling, recycle my cell phone

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