Random thoughts with updates about the Denton fracking ban.

by TXsharon on November 5, 2014

in Denton

The vote to ban fracking in the city limits of Denton was a landslide.

Do not forget that the people of Denton have been struggling for five years to achieve some level of “responsible” from the oil and gas industry.

This did not happen because of one bad operator. That suggestion is complete and utter doody starting with Range Resources fracking across the street from McKenna Park and dumping their sewage into the field. Fracking in Denton has been one long string of bad operators.

Denton is representative of Texas–a predominately Republican city that happens to have two universities–and it would be folly for politicians to ignore that fact. Republicans voted for the ban proving that fracking is a non-partisan issue. Republicans won every race in Denton.

I like love how the Dallas Morning News sent a warning to Texas lawmakers.

People drove pickup trucks with Greg Abbott stickers to the polls, voted straight Republican and still voted for the ban. Eighty plus year-old ladies voted for the ban then ranted against Obama. They voted in Myra Crownover again despite her threats to support legislation to make the ban illegal and her years of supporting industry over her constituents. It will be interesting to watch the awakening.

That’s how bad the reality of fracking is. No one can live with it, not even industry’s political base.

This is industry’s own fault.

There are some things that money can’t buy, even a mega crap-load of money. The opposition buried Denton in deceptive mailers which just made people angry. The mailers at the top with blue banners, those were from Ed Ireland and were not reported in the campaign spending. Even ads during the Cowboy football game didn’t deceive people.


Denton just ruined the win percentage for the Epstein Group.

The stage at Dan’s Sliver Leaf is not big enough for everyone responsible. It didn’t feel right for a few to stand up there when so many worked together to made this happen. Everyone played an important roll and we all worked together like a giant siphonophore. Each part of the Denton fracking siphonophore had an important, specialized part that made the whole work and thrive.

This are amazing, talented, hardworking women and they certainly should have all been on the stage at Dan’s.

Rather than reflecting upon their irresponsible actions that brought Denton people to this point, industry quickly filed two lawsuits against the city. That’s how they roll. Never address legitimate concerns, just steamroll over the people.

This is what it looks like to release bottled up emotion from a five-year struggle.


{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

Michael Leza November 5, 2014 at 5:49 pm

Thanks so much for all you’ve done to help fight this menace over the years. :)


Kim Feil November 5, 2014 at 8:37 pm

If the RRC and the TCEQ gave the regulatory blessings for Urban Drilling, they sure messed up by not having the State Dept of Public Health do an impact study-but then again look what they did to the Flower Mound study…There is alway an opportunity to do a PERCEPTION study of what it means to live in an Urban Drilling town. The stigma of living by the wells and the anxiety in living with the risks along with the “legal?” amounts of noticeable air quality degradation diminishes the right to peacefully enjoy your own property. I met a lady with asthma who can sometimes smell the gas within a half mile of her home when she is outside. She lives near the Lake Arlington Baptist Church gas well site in Arlington. Legally it should be fairly reasonable to defend that residential areas were established for the sole purpose of peaceful living… NOT to draw a revenue from the minerals below….these two rights should not have to compete with each other! Surface value rights MUST trump subsurface rights where people have to live, work, gather, vacation, raise their produce and farm animals (our food), & go to school or college. This is the heart of what is being challenged.


pbolds November 5, 2014 at 9:15 pm

So very happy for you guys! Congratulations!


Alberta Neighbor November 6, 2014 at 12:39 am

Soooooooo AWESOME!!!!!

It takes a solid village to protect a child, you all should be so proud!

HUGE congratulations!


Tad Ghost Hole November 7, 2014 at 6:24 pm

I may not read as often as I used to or post at all
But even I had to give a shout out to the blog that never quit dishin the facts
I still refer all my guests (work at Whole Foods in Highland Village) who are somewhat interested in Fracking to this website.


TXsharon November 7, 2014 at 7:37 pm

Tad! I’ve missed you!


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