Bill Cosby's lawyers have struck back at one of his accusers in court, declaring that she tried to extort him for a quarter-million dollars and that she attempted to sell her story to a tabloid a decade ago.

If so, it would undermine the lawsuit Judy Huth filed against Cosby on Tuesday in California, claiming he molested her at the Playboy Mansion 40 years ago when she was 15.

In a court filing Thursday by Cosby's attorney, Martin Singer, is seeking dismissal of Huth's lawsuit and monetary damages, according to The Associated Press.

He wrote that her suit was filed only after she tried to extort $100,000, from Cosby, in exchange for her silence, a month ago. Later she bumped it up to $250,000 as more women came forward recently to allege Cosby drugged and sexually assaulted them in decades past, according to the filing.

A California woman has become the latest alleged victim to say she was sexually assaulted by comedian Bill Cosby. A lawsuit she filed against him is the latest fallout after weeks of controversy and at least accusations against him.

TMZ reports that Cosby's filing claims Huth tried to sell her story to the tabloids around 10 years ago but none agreed to pay.

If true, this would be crucial because Huth's lawsuit stated she only recently discovered that she had suffered psychological damage as a result of the alleged molestation.

As a minor at the time, under California law, she would have to file a lawsuit seeking compensation from Cosby within three years of remembering the incident and connecting it to her trauma.

If she was trying to sell her story 10 years ago, that would fall far outside the deadline of "connecting the dots."

Also, Huth's lawsuit was not accompanied by a required certification from a psychologist that the trauma was newly discovered. The certification is required for the case to proceed under rules that extend the statute of limitations, Cosby's filing states.

Meanwhile, in another blow to Cosby's image, the U.S. Navy announced Thursday it was revoking the entertainment icon's honorary title of chief petty officer, presented to him in 2011, because the multiplying allegations of sexual abuse conflict with the Navy's core values.

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