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Dallas may invest more to bring grocery to southeast neighborhoods

For years, the city has been trying to get a grocery store to open in far southeast Dallas.

City officials have met with major chains. They’ve wooed grocers at annual retailers conventions in Las Vegas.

The City Council even approved spending $1.5 million to acquire land near Simpson Stuart and Bonnie View roads and to prepare the site for development.

Even with the incentives, grocers shied away, saying the low density of the neighborhood made an investment too risky. There were also concerns about the area’s economic character; its residents, for the most part, subsist on low incomes.

So, intent on bringing water to a “food desert” — a part of town where residents lack access to healthy grocery options — the council’s Economic Development Committee on Monday decided to go all in: It recommended that the council allocate $1.3 million more to build a store on the site, which will then be leased to Save-A-Lot, a discount grocery chain.

With the city’s $2.8 million investment plus $1.1 million in bank financing to the builder, Save-A-Lot would operate the 15,000-square-foot store.

“My colleagues say, ‘Why are you going to put $2.8 million in a food desert? Why are you going to put taxpayer money in a food desert?’” said Tennell Atkins, the committee chair.

“We’re supposed to help the citizen and the resident to build our neighborhoods.”

The City Council will consider the additional investment next week. If the council signs off on it, the money would be granted to KRR Construction Ltd., which would build the store and lease it to Save-A-Lot for 10 years. The lease could be trimmed to five years if the store’s sales don’t average at least $70,000 a week.

Karl Zavitkovsky, director of the city’s Office of Economic Development, said University of North Texas students have studied the demographics and density of the neighborhood and concluded that it could support a store. But given the strict standards that private grocers apply when deciding where to open stores, he said, the Simpson Stuart project wouldn’t happen without public money.

Dallas has only one full-size grocery store south of Loop 12 between Interstate 35E and Highway 310, a 23-square-mile area with 27,500 residents. A second store would not only give food shoppers another option, proponents say, but could kick-start other retail and housing development.

Members of the Economic Development Committee made it clear that they support the store but recognize the risk. Lee Kleinman asked whether there was any opportunity for the developers to raise the funds privately. Zavitkovsky said: “It wouldn’t make sense. The returns aren’t there.”

Jerry Allen said he was skeptical about whether the area could support a store, saying “there’s not enough density. You know it and we know it.” Rick Callahan said, “Are we really putting a square peg in a round hole trying to force this?”

Zavitkovsky told the council members: “There is the potential for this store to succeed. If we didn’t feel the population would support this … I would have been uncomfortable bringing it to you.”

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