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December 6, 2014
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Here Are Some of the Ways U.S. Treatment of African-Americans Resembles Apartheid South Africa

The social statistics produced by the Afrikaner Apartheid regime in South Africa are not so different from those produced by ordinary every day legal and social practices in today’s United States.


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Max Blumenthal Says His Critics Are the Real Anti-Semites

This week on Truthdig Radio: Max Blumenthal is chased out of Germany, Robert McChesney is optimistic about revolutionary change, we speak to the creators of the new documentary "Remote Area Medical," and Robert Scheer interviews Leslie Cockburn.
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“These [Ferguson] protests have spread to what Americans hold most sacred: football,” the “Colbert Report” host said Monday.

The unrest inspired by the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., and a grand jury’s decision not to indict former Officer Darren Wilson in his death have nothing to do with race. Or so Fox News would have you believe.

Even George W. Bush Finds the Eric Garner Grand Jury Decision ‘Hard to Understand’

The former president isn’t exactly someone to model a moral compass after, which is why you may find it surprising to hear his reaction to a New York grand jury decision not to indict the policeman who choked Eric Garner to death.

Posted on Dec 6, 2014 READ MORE
Solar Power in the U.S. Doubled in 2014 and Other Good Clean Energy News

Compared to Germany and Spain, the United States is woefully backward in its development of wind, solar and other renewable sources of energy for electricity generation. But there is some good news on this front.

Posted on Dec 6, 2014 READ MORE
Stephen Colbert Thanks Nazis for Getting Congress to Agree on Something

Congress recently looked past its partisan grudges to pass a bill about Nazis. Yes, that’s right: Nazis.

Posted on Dec 6, 2014 READ MORE
Has the Red Cross Been Misleading Donors About Where Their Dollars Are Going?

The American Red Cross regularly touts how responsible it is with donors’ money.

Posted on Dec 6, 2014 READ MORE

After a second night of massive protests in New York City against a grand jury’s failure to indict NYPD officers in the death of Staten Island resident Eric Garner, “Democracy Now!” hosts an explosive roundtable discussion on police racism against black Americans.

Posted on Dec 5, 2014 READ MORE
The Eric Garner Case’s Sickening Outcome

I can’t breathe. Those were Eric Garner’s last words, and today they apply to me.

Posted on Dec 5, 2014 READ MORE
A Multi-Billion Dollar Secret

If you are a public school teacher in Kentucky, the state has a message for you: You have no right to know the details of the investments being made with your retirement savings.

Posted on Dec 5, 2014 READ MORE
White Views on Ferguson Are Complicated By Age, Region and Politics

The events in Ferguson, Mo., have actually led to that national conversation on race we regularly recommend to ourselves.

Posted on Dec 5, 2014 READ MORE
The Unsubstantial Air

This “terrific book,” by Sam Hynes who spent WWII as a marine pilot, is written with personal knowledge of what it was to be young and learning to fly, and of the gains and losses that combat flying brings to those who engage in it.

Posted on Dec 5, 2014 READ MORE
Scientists Hammer Out Warning on Climate Change Risks

A group of international experts says time is rapidly running out to take serious steps to avert the impact of global warming by prioritizing a switch to clean energy systems.

Posted on Dec 5, 2014 READ MORE
Chris Hedges and Laura Flanders on Drones and Civil Disobedience

Truthdig columnist, author and activist Chris Hedges paid a visit this week to “The Laura Flanders Show” to discuss U.S. foreign policy, civil disobedience, resistance to empire and the corporate state, as well as a host of other topics.

Posted on Dec 4, 2014 READ MORE
Denver Police Beat Unarmed Man, Topple His Pregnant Girlfriend and Delete the Evidence

Officers with the Denver Police Department deleted bystander footage that showed them beating David Flores and knocking his pregnant girlfriend to the ground. Fortunately, the segment was sent to a remote digital storage network known as a cloud, and the horrific event is preserved for all to see.

Posted on Dec 4, 2014 READ MORE
Seeing Ferguson Clearly: 12 Double Standards That Expose White Supremacy

The doublethink of domination and victimhood is central to the pathology of white supremacy in the U.S. It is used to dupe and confuse us into believing that there is nuance in brutality and justice in murder.

Posted on Dec 4, 2014 READ MORE
Brooklyn Is America’s Least Affordable Housing Market

Move over Manhattan and San Francisco. The buy-up of real estate by investors and wealthy foreigners has made the New York City borough the most expensive place to rent or buy in America.

Posted on Dec 4, 2014 READ MORE
Party On!

Unbelievably enough, a bankrupt 13-year-old policy of war to the horizon remains ascendant in Washington, and “war fever” seems to be breaking out yet again. In this context, it’s curious that four crucial aspects of war, American-style, were missing from the blitz of Hagel reportage.

Posted on Dec 4, 2014 READ MORE
Ocean Heat Drives Surge to Global Warming Record

Climate scientists say this year looks likely to enter the record books as the world’s hottest, with the warming of the oceans causing striking changes.

Posted on Dec 4, 2014 READ MORE
Jon Stewart Loses His Cool and His Sense of Humor Over the Eric Garner Grand Jury Ruling

“If comedy is tragedy plus time, I need more fucking time,” said “The Daily Show” host Wednesday night as he tried to digest the news about another unarmed black man’s death being treated unjustly. “But I would really settle for less fucking tragedy.”

Posted on Dec 4, 2014 READ MORE
Affordable Care Act Author Says Single-Payer Health Care Would’ve Been Better

Sen. Tom Harkin openly expresses his regrets about Obamacare; Israel seems headed toward early elections in which Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman may become a “major kingpin”; meanwhile, writer Max Blumenthal explains why he was censored when talking about Israel in Germany. These discoveries and more after the jump.

Posted on Dec 4, 2014 READ MORE
U.N. General Assembly Demands Israel Mothball Its Nuclear Arsenal

The United Nations General Assembly (where all 193 countries in the world get a vote) has almost unanimously demanded that Israel give up its nuclear weapons and cooperate with making the Middle East a nuclear-free zone.

Posted on Dec 4, 2014 READ MORE
What Voters Don’t Know (Yet) About Jeb Bush

Whenever the deep thinkers of the Republican establishment glance at their bulging clown car of presidential hopefuls, they inevitably start chattering about “Jeb Bush.”

Posted on Dec 4, 2014 READ MORE

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