Pontiff And Commander

New Pope Firing All The Right People

What really went down
From the Vatican, more news of Pope Francis I The Awesome: New Pope has gone and fired the head of the Swiss Guard, reportedly because he “found the commander’s manner overly strict and Teutonic.’” So we’ve gone from having a pope who was an actual Hitlerjugend to a pope ...
  And Yet The Wu Tang Klan Continues To Get A Free Pass

Non-Racist Texas School Board Member Posted SO MUCH KKK Stuff Online

This never ends well
We suppose this counts as good news, at least in the end. Chris Harris, a member of the Hooks Independent School Board in Texas, has resigned after posting multiple racist images and messages to Facebook last week. He later explained that he wasn’t racist at all; he just got a little ...
  Trolling The Ancient Yuletide Carol

Satanic Temple Getting The Devil All Over Florida Now

In a victory for something, we guess, our favorite Separation Of Church And State trolls at the completely serious “Satanic Temple” have succeeded in winning a place for their “Fallen Angel” diorama in the Florida State Capitol. You may recall that last year, their ...
  Time to drink

Get Drunk On Pomegranate Gin Cocktails, For Your Health

Clear liquor is nothing but trouble. Let’s get into some trouble. This cocktail is a minor variation on the classic Tom Collins. We’re just adding pomegranate juice. Before the cocktail purists bitch in the comments (as if comments were allowed), it’s technically a variation ...
  MittWatch '16

Mitt Romney Still A Dumb Jerk, Some More, Again

Mitt Romney's advisers try to talk the candidate into another run after his crushing 2012 loss.
Business Insider has yet another entry in the ongoing saga that is MittWatch ’16. Another “member” of the “inner circle” of that cock tease the Duke of Salt Lake, Willard Mitochondria Phlegmatic Hustings Coffeepot Romney XII, leaks that the Rombot met this past week in New York with “key ...
  I Was A Idiot For The FBI

Shooty Screamy Former Police Chief: I Was An Undercover G-Man

Mark Kessler shoots a picture of a clown while pretending it is Nancy Pelosi
Remember that insane screamy gun-humper guy Mark Kessler, who got canned from his job as police chief of Gilberton, Pennsylvania, after posting a bunch of YouTube videos where he shot at photos of Nancy Pelosi and called on patriots to fight the tyrannical government and wanted to cleanse ...
  You know who else yadda yadda

French City Real Mad They’re Not Allowed To Put Nazi Triangles On The Homeless, TO HELP THEM

Maybe they just need some health care?
You would think we’ve all learned our lesson about forcing certain segments of the population to wear yellow thingies on their clothes so we can easily identify them and say “Ewwwwww, you’re one of those people.” But in the French city of Marseille, officials forgot ...
  Conservative Comedy Strikes Again

Wingnut ‘Comedian’ Steven Crowder Sure Wishes Chris Rock Would Stop Being So Racist

Steven Crowder and his inner furry
There is exactly one good thing to come out of the fact that unfunny rightwing comedian Steven Crowder has slagged Chris Rock for comments Rock made in a recent interview with Frank Rich at NY Magazine’s Vulture website: It reminded us to go back and read Chris Rock’s long, ...
  If only someone had tried to tell us

Tina Fey Tried To Warn Us About Bill Cosby, But We Didn’t Lis– SHH! CEELO GREEN IS GIVING COSBY ADVICE

It’s preposterous that the Bill Cosby rape allegations are now news only because a man—one Mr. Hannibal Buress—spoke about them, right? That’s gotta be some bullshit. Our civilization can’t possibly be that messed up. If a female comedian or two, say, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, had spoken out ...
  Worst president ever

Obama Fails To Kill Another New 321,000 Jobs, IMPEACH!

We love us some WPA murals
Here is some terrible news for you: Job-killing socialist Marxist Kenyanist President Obama has failed once again to destroy the economy, according to the latest report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics: Job gains were widespread, led by growth in professional and business services, retail ...
  Your Morning Maddow

Morning Maddow: Just How Awful Is Cleveland’s Police Department? Federal Takeover Awful (Video)

Seriously bad cops
Rachel Maddow led off Thursday’s broadcast with a review of just how terrible the police are in Cleveland, Ohio. How terrible? Very. Very, very terrible. The Justice Department released a report Thursday on the policing madness in that city, along with an agreement to put a federal ...
  Like Women Are Even People -- Ha!

Phyllis Schlafly Knows Who Is Destroying America (Pregnant Women With Jobs, Duh)

Attack of the stock photo pregnant workers
Wondering how feminists are destroying America today? Of course you are! Lucky you, the dude lawyer representing Phyllis “Yep She’s Still Around, She’s Worse Than Cockroaches” Schlafly’s organization devoted entirely to keeping ladies who aren’t Schlafly in ...
  Here have some news n stuff

St. Louis PD: Sorry For Joking About How To Keep Us From Killing Your Kids

Is this a bad joke?
On Thursday, the St. Louis Police Department offered this super helpful advice to parents who might want to know how they can protect their kids from the St. Louis Police Department:Hardy har had! Kids will be kids, right? Playing with their toy guns, scaring cops who believe they have no ...
  dept. of oh shut up

Here’s Everything That Killed Eric Garner (Other Than A Cop)

For a bunch of people who forever criticize liberals for “never letting a crisis go to waste,” conservatives sure are trying hard to tie their onerous taxes hobbyhorse (among other things) to Eric Garner’s death. Sen. Rand Paul was the most prominent but by no means the only member of the right ...
  Pretty Sure Jefferson And Adams Never Mentioned Feminazis

Rush Limbaugh’s Crappy Books Will Save Kids From A.P. History

Why teach American history when you can worship it instead?
The Grand Freakout over revisions to the Advanced Placement U.S. History (APUSH) exam continues. As you recall, the College Board’s changes to the APUSH test — which downplay memorization and emphasize more engagement with primary historical texts — have set off all kinds of ...
  How Many Divisions Does Salt Lake Have?

Utah Plans To Just Take Federal Land, Anticipates No Real Problem With That

We interrupt your regularly scheduled program of tragic police shootings of young black men with this BREAKING news from Utah. Beginning on Dec. 31, the state of Utah plans to “seize” 31.2 million acres of land currently owned and controlled by the federal government. This is the ...
  Stripper Recruiters For Strip-Mall Schools

Scammy For-Profit ‘College’ Knew What Students Want: Strippers

Phi Beta Strippa
In today’s “For-Profit Colleges Are Scummy and Bad” news, we bring you the tale of Florida’s “FastTrain” chain of educational institutions, which went out of business in 2012 following raids by the FBI. The company’s CEO and three other executives are ...
  we are all libertarians now

Hillary Clinton Super PAC Makes Early Bid For Worst Campaign Song Of 2016

Oh for sure man
Here is your terrible, face-melting Hillary Clinton Super PAC ad/generic CMT music video. And here is a list of actual theories about its provenance that we have been tossing around in the chat cave because the Washington Post’s story on it is too boring. It’s a Rand Paul false-flag operation. ...
  we are all libertarians now

Trust The Internet: This Really Is The ‘Easiest Peanut Butter Fudge Recipe’

Your Recipe Hub was interested in a food meme making the rounds on social media. Billed as the “Easiest PB Fudge EVER,” this recipe has only four ingredients, and it’s almost as popular as a cat video. Is this fudge easy or what? Is it potentially edible? Can we make this for an ...
  She so S-M-R-T

Bristol Palin Says Her Mom Invented Impeachment, You’re Welcome

Constitutional expert up in here
Yes, most people in ‘Merica agree that impeaching the president for thinking he’s some kind of president or something would be a really stupid idea, but Bristol Palin’s ghost blogger wants you to know it was Bristol’s mom’s stupid idea first: So many people are ...
  Ministry Of Truthiness

Mean Judge Won’t Dismiss Case Against Glenn Beck For Calling Kid A Terrorist

Poor guy
Poor Glenn Beck. Not only is he suffering from a broken brain and living in a country that just doesn’t understand him, it turns out he may actually be held responsible for one of his attempts to ruin somebody’s life. As you may recall, Beck is being sued for defamation by the Saudi ...
  When you’ve sort of lost Bill O’Reilly

Even Bill O’Reilly Thinks Maybe Eric Garner Didn’t Deserve To Be Choked To Death

He's a bit perturbed
Up is down, black is white, cats and dogs must be living together somewhere because Bill O’Reilly has finally heard of the death of a black man at the hands of a white cop that maybe wasn’t justified. On his Wednesday night show on Fox News, O’Reilly talked about the grand ...