

Battle of Leuthen, December 5, 1757

Battle of Leuthen, December 5, 1757

One of the advantages of having the keys to the front page is that sometimes I can unplug from politics and write about my real passion: military history of the ...

The Warthog is still holding out.

Oddly enough, there’s still a use for them: “An undisclosed number of Warthogs, part of the “Blacksnakes” 163rd Expeditionary Fighter Squadron based at Fort Wayne, Indiana, have been deployed to Middle Eastern airbases to provide air cover to troops fighting ISIS in Iraq and Syria.” This is not the same as saying that the Warthog is ‘back:’ merely that objective reality itself is pushing back on | Read More »

Sabrina Erdley, Rolling Stone, and the Media Put the Cause Before the Truth

The media completely buys the idea of misogynist culture. The media completely buys the idea that fraternities are filled with silver spooned rapists. The media complete believes there is a “rape culture” in America and by God the media will prove it. Thus Sabrina Erdley sought out the perfect victim and found that perfect victim at the University of Virginia. According to Erdley, writing in | Read More »

The University of Virginia Rape Story Officially Melts Down

On November 19, Rolling Stone magazine published an lengthy article detailing the brutal gang rape of a young woman in a fraternity house at the University of Virginia. As the story circulated, feminists found it a powerful story for everything they hate about men, college administrators went to DEFCON LEVENTY… an a small number of people began to question the story because of what the | Read More »

Because Justice Runs to Individuals, Kennesaw, Georgia Got It Wrong

The City of Kennesaw, Georgia has denied a gathering of muslims the right to build a mosque in a strip mall. The city claims it does not allow houses of worship in strip malls, but recently unanimously granted a Pentecostal group the right to do just that. Then the City of Kennesaw demanded that, should they grant the muslims the request, that the muslims must | Read More »

Big government is winning campaign issue for Democrats

For some time there has been a garden industry on the left that believed two things held the Democrats from permanent electoral triumph. The first, of course, is that voters are just too stupid to understand what is good for them. This school of thought is championed by a guy named Thomas Frank who wrote a book called What’s the Matter with Kansas?  in which | Read More »

Top House Republican Declares He Wants Total Amnesty

House Republicans, coming up with every excuse under the sun to avoid stopping President Obama, are letting slip the real reason. Congressman , chairman of the House Rules Committee, is telling Democratic lawmakers he wants total amnesty. The Daily Caller reports Sessions met with Democratic lawmakers telling them how expansive his vision of immigration is before announced the GOP would give up the fight on | Read More »

After Michael Brown and Eric Garner, do we need grand jury reform?

On today’s edition of Coffee and Markets, Brad Jackson is joined by Leon Wolf to discuss the grand jury process, an alternative method for prosecuting police officers and if this unrest over Michael Brown and Eric Garner can lead to substantive change.

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Rape, Rudeness, and Deciding the News

Terry Bean is a donor to the Democratic Party. He has hung out with Barack Obama on Air Force Once. He founded the influential gay-rights organization Human Rights Campaign, which targets and harasses Christians. The organization, along with the Southern Poverty Law Center, labeled the conservative Family Research Council a “hate group.” Unsurprisingly, a gay rights activist showed up at the Family Research Council with | Read More »

Hillary Clinton moves to lock up the white working class vote

As Hillary Clinton tools up for making a show of running for the Democrat nomination for president in 2016, the salient question remains who, exactly, is going to vote for her? I mean other than the aging, hirsute, hippie lesbian demographic. While this locks in a significant swath of Hollywoood and the news media it is not sufficient to create a second Clinton presidency. For | Read More »








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