Tune In to The Times

Over the past week, New York Times reporters and contributors participated in interviews regarding their coverage and other top news stories. Below are highlights from television and radio.

The New York Times media reporter Emily Steel joined MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” to discuss Netflix’s global expansion and its new show, “Marco Polo.”

Nicole Perlroth, a technology reporter for The New York Times, discussed her coverage of the latest news regarding hackers targeting the health care industry on American Public Media’s “Marketplace.”

Claire Cain Miller, a reporter for The Upshot, joined NBC’s “The Today Show” to discuss her piece on divorce rates.

Peter Baker, The Times’s chief White House correspondent, joined CNN International to discuss the challenges President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia is dealing with.

The New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof discussed the statistics on race and police killings in the wake of the Ferguson, Mo., protests on CNN’s “New Day.”

Michael Kimmelman, architecture critic for The New York Times, joined WNYC’s “The Leonard Lopate Show” to discuss patchy zoning laws and district designations in New York City’s Greenwich Village.