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That’s the theme of my new OpEdNews article, which makes my full-blown case for why the political Left (and climate activists) would be fools not to build a movement pushing for a Warren candidacy.

Simply put, for the Left, a Warren candidacy is about MUCH more than the merits (and admitted shortcomings) of Elizabeth Warren. Warren potentially bridges the era when Democrats prioritized identity politics to a new one where they return to their New Deal economic “bread and butter.” As the first woman president, she’d fulfill the long-overdue, deeply desirable “identity” aim of electing a woman to our nation’s highest office. And she’d thereby stop “Trojan horse” Hillary Clinton from EXPLOITING that worthy goal just to hand us over to her reactionary, climate-unfriendly policies. Like fracking—of which she’s the foremost Democrat cheerleader--Hillary herself, representing NOTHING progressive, would be a “bridge to nowhere.”

Beyond her personal merits, Warren’s championship of Main Street over Wall Street GUARANTEES she’ll be a “bridge to somewhere” for the Left. Warren and Marx might seem very strange bedfellows, but if we trust in Marx’s potent thesis that economics is the key to everything, Warren, by taking up the cudgels against capital, is spreading a deeply SUBVERSIVE message not even she can control. In this way, Warren is a long-awaited wedge into political power for the Left, potentially our key to (peaceful) “permanent revolution”—if we’re smart enough to push for her election.

Here’s the article link:…/Leftists-Awake-Warren-s-by-Patric…

As a potential first woman president preaching a subversive economic message, Elizabeth Warren offers a historic opportunity to the Left--perhaps our wedge to fomenting "permanent revolution." Since economics is the key to everything, this is a case of trusting NOT the messenger, but the latent subv…