HOUSTON – A third grade Houston Independent School District teacher accused of using racist remarks on a conservative Internet talk show is resigning, HISD announced Thursday.

Some parents and teachers had been calling for Ray K. Daily Elementary School teacher Angela Box to resign from the classroom.

"The agreement is effective Thursday, and Box will receive the equivalent of three months' pay," HISD said in a statement released. "District administrators recommended accepting Box's offer of resignation after determining it was in the best interest of the school and its students. "

Box had expressed her disgust with President Barack Obama and her frustration with Muslims on food stamps asking for specially prepared food.

Box said she never used the "n-word" as she had been accused of by community activist Quanell X.

"I don't believe in judging people by the color of their skin. I, actually, like Martin Luther King did, shockingly, judge people by the content of their character," Box said in a previous interview with KHOU 11 News.

Box said she recognized that the show may not be appropriate for children.

"No I don't want children to watch it. That's cuckoo talk," Box said. "But we're adults and it plays on midnights on a cable access station. It's a comedy satire show for people that have strong opinions."

Box had taken at least one day off work due to all of the controversy surrounding her role on the show "Tommy's Garage". She said she didn't feel safe going into work.

Box originally stated that she would not give up her job. She released a statement Thursday saying she will miss her students and that she will soon have an announcement on her future steps.

"Unfortunately, the character assassination I suffered at the hands of Quannel X, the New Black Panther Party, The New Black Muslims, and others ruined any chance of continuing this journey with my students. His false statements and threats of violence made the situation at my school simply impossible for everyone," she wrote. "As I have said before, opposing President Obama and sounding the alarm about radical Islam does not make me a racist. I did not make the statements containing the racial epithets Mr. X attributed to me, as he has since admitted. However, the damage to me has been done. "


HISD teacher says she didn't make racist remarks

Teacher challenges Quanell X's accusation

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