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'I Will Fight Gravity For You,' Said Superman To Lois Lane

Thursday, February 13, 2014 - 01:03 AM

I saw this. And then I thought, more people should see it. So I waited till Valentine's Day, so I could share this dance, Keone Madrid's dance, set to a poem by Rudy Francisco. I know this is a science site, so Superman's ode to Lois Lane, performed by an all-male team of San Diego hip hop dancers, isn't what you come here for —- but hey, if you stay and watch for a bit, I'm kind of hoping you'll be surprised. Maybe even ... oh, I don't know, touched, just a little.

Keone and Mari/YouTube

Keone Madrid, the choreographer, has been making dances for a few years now, often with his amazing wife, Mari. They explore moods, moments — breaking words, beats, into perfect, precise gestures. Keone calls it "broken down free-style." Last year, they did a version of "When I'm Gone," by Anna Kendrick, that I think I've watched 10 times. If you're curious, here it is. It made me crazy happy.


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Comments [1]

May from Florida

As a dancer, I was surprised to see Keone's work has reaches so many people, Ellen, Radiolab, etc.
He is a great guy, very humble, extremely hard-working, and never stops to create and inspire others.
Glad to see how far he has come and how much of a role model he is to every single dancer within the community.
Can't wait for more, great job!

Feb. 15 2014 12:54 AM

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