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This Is Bo, Who's Putting New Beats In New Places. You Should Meet Him

Wednesday, December 25, 2013 - 08:03 AM

Every so often — and it isn't often, because while I'm always looking, always hoping, it's so rare to find — but this week it happened. A friend sent me an email that said, "You've got to check out this video."

I did. And what I saw was somebody doing something new in the world, something deeply beautiful, which is what I love. And the nicest part is, he pulled it off so gracefully, like Charlie Chaplin in his bowler hat, casually swinging his cane.

What you're going to see is a young guy on a mostly bare stage. In this scene (which comes at the end of an hourlong comedy special), he doesn't speak. He listens. What he's listening to isn't nice. There are people in the dark saying nasty things, and after a spell, he looks over at those people — who aren't really there, we just hear them, and one by one, he points at them. That's all. He just takes his finger, levels it at the guy speaking, and all of a sudden he's in control, he can make them start, stop, repeat. He gives them beats, gives them melody, makes them sing, and once they're singing, they're still saying nasty things, but the words don't hurt anymore; instead he's dancing to their words, and he's getting free, and he's making me feel a kind of wild happiness and it's ... it's ... you know what? You should just see this. I shouldn't tell it. You should watch it.

So, here's Bo Burnham, comedian. He's 23. He's from Boston. Apparently, he's famous, but I'd never seen him until this. That's all I know.

(Please be advised, there are some not-so-nice words in this clip, and if you don't like that sort of thing ... don't watch.)


Bo Burnham/Youtube


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Comments [4]

J from Venice, CA

Wow that kid is amazing! He's incomparable, like...

Jan. 02 2014 12:13 AM
kittnen from MT

I've been watching/listening to Bo since his first Youtube video, "My Whole Family Thinks I'm Gay" (yes, I'm a Bo Burnham hipster *pulls off glasses*). It's been great watching him grow as an artist and gain lots of popularity. He's incredible and I can't wait to see where he goes from this special.

Jan. 01 2014 02:18 PM
Mike Torrance from 90503

I just caught Bo on Netflix this last week. He's a remarkable young man -- very creative, insightful, funny, occasionally silly. He really knows how to manipulate all kinds of media.

Jan. 01 2014 12:27 PM
Marcia from Athens, GA

Bo Burnham is very clever! I really enjoy his songs "Love Is" and "Art is Dead," which are both available on Youtube. His work is sometimes silly and outrageous, sometimes surprisingly moving, sometimes both.

Dec. 31 2013 01:53 AM

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