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Bob Milne Rocking Out

Wednesday, October 22, 2014 - 11:00 PM

Bob Milne's piano playing chops are undeniable. But it turns out it's not just musicians who appreciate his talents -- as we describe in our Inner Voices episode, he caught the attention of neurologists with his ability to talk and play complex two-handed rythyms at the same time.

Bob also has other brain-bending abilities, as we mention in our story about him. If you want to try your ears at the experiment we describe in Inner Voices, here are the four symphonic pieces we use to illustrate Bob's musical genius (they're also plain lovely to listen to one at a time):

PS The player above works if you log into Spotify. Otherwise, here's a list of the tracks: 

Schubert: Symphony No. 8 "Unfinished"

Brahms: Symphony No 2, First Movement

Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 5

Mendelssohn: Song Without Words, Op. 19 No. 1


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Comments [2]


Could this be a version of synesthesia?
It seems that everyone that can do amazing things with their mind is just using one part of their brain to do the job of another. Doesn't this also happen when someone loses a sense?

Oct. 28 2014 03:45 PM
Jules Madey from Columbia County,NY

No where near the fantastic capability of Bob Milne, but as a long time ham radio operator, I knew guys back in the 50's who could carry on a morse code conversation on the radio and a verbal conversation with me at the same time. These morse code expert operators also spoke of old newspaper telegraph operators they'd seen who could carry on two separate morse conversations, one with each hand, and still be able to simultaneously hold a verbal conversation.

Oct. 27 2014 10:13 PM

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