Runoffs likely in both Democratic and Republican primaries for agriculture commissioner

Republican candidates for agriculture commissioner, from left to right: Eric Opiela, Sid Miller, J Allen Carnes, Tommy Merritt and Joe Cotten (Credit, from left to right: Opiela campaign, AP, Facebook, AP, Joe Cotten campaign)

UPDATE at 10:25 p.m.: Both Republican and Democratic primaries for agriculture commissioner appear likely to head to a runoff.

Former state representatives Sid Miller and Tommy Merritt lead on the Republican side. Jim Hogan of Cleburne and Kinky Friedman lead in the Democratic race.

Left out in the rain is Democrat Hugh Fitzsimons, as well as Republican candidates J Allen Carnes, Joe Cotten and Eric Opiela.

Barring a major turnaround, the Opiela campaign faces, perhaps, the biggest let down. The Karnes City rancher and attorney campaigned longer than all others and sank more than $1 million of his money into the down-ballot race.

UPDATE at 8:50 p.m.: Unknown Jim Hogan is edging out Kinky Friedman for the lead on the Democratic side. Hogan has about 41 percent of the vote to Friedman’s 38 percent.

UPDATE at 8:22 p.m.: Sid Miller leads the Republican pack vying for agriculture commissioner by nearly 20 percentage points. Tommy Merritt is following in second.

ORIGINAL ITEM: Competitive Republican and Democratic primary races for agriculture commissioner will likely lead to runoffs on both sides.

Texas’ agriculture commissioner oversees the state’s second largest economic sector and school breakfast and lunch programs, among other matters. The position has served as springboard to higher office in the past for Gov. Rick Perry and Comptroller Susan Combs.

Current commissioner Todd Staples is leaving the seat open and running for lieutenant governor.

We will be updating this blog to bring you the results of the primary election as they become available.

The five Republican candidates include Eric Opiela of Karnes City, Sid Miller of Stephenville, J Allen Carnes of Uvalde, Tommy Merritt of Kilgore and Joe Cotten of Dallas.

The Democratic side has Kinky Friedman of Medina, Hugh Fitzsimons of San Antonio and Jim Hogan of Cleburne.

Most Republican candidates campaigned on improving water resources, fighting federal government intrusion and illegal immigration and their own conservative credentials.

Opiela, an attorney and rancher, ran the highest funded campaign. He invested more than $1 million of his own money and was the only hopeful to run statewide television ads.

Farmer and Uvalde Mayor J Allen Carnes earned endorsements from numerous agriculture interests including the Texas Farm Bureau of baseball legend Nolan Ryan.

The Republican field attacked Carnes’ record of voting in some Democratic primaries in his home district. Carnes said he voted for Democrats in important local races lacking Republican candidates.

Former Longview representative, rancher and businessman Tommy Merritt campaigned to streamline the agriculture department and fight illegal immigration, among other things.

Former Stephenville representative Miller has the backing of some tea-party and conservative groups. He came under attack for profiting off a loan he made to his own campaign, with interest, and not disclosing on state campaign finance reports a transfer of stocks from the campaign to his personal brokerage account.  The Texas Ethics Commission said it is investigating the loan. Miller has denied any wrongdoing.

Dallas financial advistor Joe Cotten ran a lightly funded campaign.

Democratic candidates for agriculture commissioner, from left to right: Kinky Friedman, Hugh Fitzsimons, Jim Hogan (Credits from left to right: AP Photo/Eric Gay, Hugh Fitzsimons campaign, Cleburne Times-Review)

The Democratic primary pits humorist and musician Friedman against bison and honey farmer Fitzsimons and dairy farmer and insurance agent Hogan.

Fitzsimons’ platform centers on improving the state’s water and food supplies, among other things. Though a relative unknown, Fitzsimons raised the most cash of any Democrat.

Friedman ran an unconventional campaign focused on legalization of marijuana. He toured the state playing music and speading his message, but didn’t raise much money in the process. Friedman is, perhaps, the best known candidate on the entire Democratic ticket. He lost a gubernatorial bid in 2006 and he lost in the Democratic primary for ag commissioner in 2010.

Jim Hogan did not actively campaign or raise money.



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