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Credible Sustainability Reporting & External Assurance

ISOS is a full-service sustainability consultancy that fuses a passion for sustainability with clients who make a difference. We specialize in GRI and CDP sustainability reporting, external assurance of CSR reports and verification of GHG Emissions and other climate-relevant data.

Public & Private GRI G4 Certified Training

ISOS CSR offers public and private sustainability reporting trainings to individuals and organizations looking to improve their expertise in corporate social responsibility, and advance their organizations with new skills and thinking.

About GRI Training → 

Sustainability Reporting Consultancy

We work with our clients to streamline their sustainability reporting processes, lower their costs, significantly cut down on the time needed to publish a corporate responsibility report and ultimately achieve their sustainability goals.

About CSR Reporting → 

CSR Report External Assurance

ISOS is recognized as one of the industry’s leading agencies in CSR Assurance. We validate sustainability claims and data, while also providing guidance on how to establish a credible GRI sustainability reporting process.

About Assurance → 

CDP Training & Verification

ISOS, a CDP Silver Education and Consultancy partner, provides greenhouse gas emissions and environmental data verification services, to validate and strengthen the reliability of an organization’s CDP disclosures and improve their overall credibility.

About Carbon Reporting → 


We believe that people face similar situations throughout the world and that we can play a vital role in reformulating business culture so that the environment and society are also included in the equation.

















Our Capabilities →

Interactive Design & Branding

Our work becomes the bridge between intention and result. We bring years of experience and equal strength in strategy and design to every client engagement.

Communication & Outreach →