An open source tool helping anyone to create simple, correct and embeddable charts in minutes.


An open source tool helping everyone to create simple, correct and embeddable charts in minutes.

Easy to use

This little tool reduces the time needed to create a correct chart and embed it into any website from hours to seconds. It makes charting easy, and helps you avoiding common pitfalls.

Full control

Datawrapper is 100% free software. You can use our free hosted service, or install it on your own server for maximum control. Written in PHP, Datawrapper is easy to install, modify and extend.


We encourage you to customize the charts layout, fonts and colors to make them integrate nicely in your website. Strengthen your own brand, not ours.

Want to learn more?

Quick Start

A concise introduction into the functions of Datawrapper.

Step by step

This tutorial guides you through the entire charting process, from finding data to embedding your chart.


Learn more about why we created Datawrapper, and why we chose this approach.

Find it on Github

You can find and fork the Datawrapper source code on Github. It is licensed under the MIT license.