Mark Cuban Just Finished a Net Neutrality-Bashing, Ayn Rand-Featuring Twitter Rant

Yeah. Not really.
If we've learned anything this week, it's that net neutrality is the real enemy. Ted Cruz let us know that it's Obamacare for the Internet. Rick Perry sent out a press release saying "President Obama's call to saddle 21st century technology with outdated, unnecessary regulations from the era of the Great Depression is alarming and will stifle innovation and growth." Now, on Thursday, it's Mark Cuban's turn.

Cuban wants to make sure his 2.5 million Twitter followers know that President Obama's proposed net neutrality regulations threaten the objectivist paradise that is the contemporary United States. Not allowing Internet service providers to throttle individuals' access to content the service providers don't like will, obviously, further abet the country's slipping into what is soon to be full-blown socialism.

At least the Mavericks' owner's perspective is more informed than Cruz's.

Cuban made his first fortune when he sold his stake in, the Internet radio company he co-founded. The principles of net neutrality, then called "network freedom," were first fully articulated by Federal Communications Commission Chairman Michael Powell in 2004, long after Yahoo! bought for $5.7 billion in 1999.

"We spent money with ISPs to do multicast just for us because we were the only company that needed it," Cuban says.


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Because deregulation has worked so fabulously in the airline, electric utility and banking industries. Winning!. 

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