Three Cop Watchers Get Arrested for Videotaping Arlington Police

Categories: Crime

Sky Chadde
Cop-watchers and Arlington police officers at a traffic stop in August, as the tension between them increased.
Three people on a "cop watch" were arrested while videotaping a traffic stop by an Arlington police officer late Saturday night. The people are part of organizations Texas Cop Block and the Tarrant County Peaceful Streets Project, whose members tape police in a effort to hold them accountable for their actions. Until recently, that mostly meant gathering a small group to drive around Arlington in search of traffic stops (not anything else), parking nearby and pointing a camera. In the past several months, they've done this without incident.

There was a usual script: These people would record, and the cops would do their thing, or the watchers would cause the cops to stop doing what they were doing. At a recent cop watch, I was in the car when we pulled up to one traffic stop. The man was on the ground with had his hands behind his back. As soon as cop-watcher Joseph Tye got out of his car, the two officers let the man go. He got in his truck and drove away, and so did the officers. However, as the group has gotten more publicity, notably a Fox 4 report that got the word out and garnered them their largest attendance yet, the interactions between officers of the Arlington Police Department and the cop watchers have grown heated.

On the past three cop watches before the one Saturday night, several Arlington officers have formed perimeters around each traffic stop the cop watchers attended. But Saturday was when the tension seemed to boil over. As about 20 cop watchers gathered around a traffic stop in a parking lot on Cooper Street, a busy six-lane road, about 10 police cars and more than 20 officers joined them.

See also: It's Definitely OK to Film Cops, Texas Judge Rules

The first cop watcher arrested was Joseph Tye. He was standing in the parking lot filming at his usual distance, but apparently that was too close now. As the others filmed, Tye was arrested. Then, three cop watchers -- Jacob Cordova, Kory Watkins, who is also the head of Tarrant County Open Carry, and Watkins' wife -- attempted to walk down the sidewalk to record, which they did normally at traffic stops before this one.

An officer told them to stop, but the watchers continued to walk, getting within about 30 feet of the traffic stop. A squad car drove up behind the three watchers, who were standing in the area where vehicles drive into the parking lot. The car, moving at a slow speed and trying to get in the lot, almost hit Watkins' wife, and Watkins yelled at the officer driving. He and his wife were then arrested.

See also: One Man, One Camera, One Bike: Jose Vela's Dallas Cop Block Aims to Guard the Guardians

All three were out of the city jail by 2 a.m. after being bailed out by the other watchers. They were charged with interfering with police duty and obstructing a highway. Their phones and cameras were confiscated and they haven't got them back yet. They all have court dates.

"They probably did that to kill our cop watch," Cordova said.

Although the Supreme Court has never ruled on recording the police, filming public officials in a public space doing their public duty, as long as you don't interfere with their job, seems to fall under the First Amendment. In July, an Austin judge ruled that a lawsuit brought by Antonio Buehler, who films the Austin police and allegedly was arrested for it, could continue for that very reason.

Ron Pinkston, the president of the Dallas Police Association, told us in July that Dallas officers don't mind being filmed, as long as those filming do not get in the way.

Cop Block
is a national, decentralized organization. The Peaceful Streets Project was started by Buehler.

Send your story tips to the author, Sky Chadde.


My Voice Nation Help

I worked in local government before for awhile, and while the worst experience of my entire life, I remember them telling me not to work anywhere else.  Why is cool for LEOs to moonlight everywhere all the time?  Shouldn't those in charge of life and death have a good nights rest?


linger waiting for a miracle to provide a myriad of sales ... 

seems stupid,, if berargument like it. 

at least begin to open and the brain power to quickly take,, gravity, sped away ... 

and finally succeeded ....... yeahhhh ...... 

"all difficult but nothing is impossible" 

if, for all possible,,,, quickly take action to click and download here :: 

_________   OR  ________

how easy, simply register and follow the prompts. 

congratulations, you can watch this movie ... 

"watch Let's Be Cops (2014) full movie"

Caution: link above is  REAL  and  TRUE >>>>>>>>>>

  >>>>>>>]]]::  Do you ever have difficulty in opening the link may not,,,, garbage links,,, maybe you can try right click on the link .and choice ....


Can they cop watch while open carrying? That'd be entertaining TV.


1.  Overwatch Position.

Get a cop watcher in overwatch position with a telephoto lens / zoom camera to watch the whole deal.  So when the watchers up close get roughed up or their gear confiscated, the guy in overwatch can still bring home the video.

2. Small, Concealed Cameras.

Folks up close with no obvious camera need to be wired for sound & video in case the LEOs get frisky.

ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter

Let me see if I got this right.  A question posed during the Roman Empire about the trustworthiness of guards:

Qui custodia ipse qui custodia?

Who watches he who watches?

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

Cops are cowardly thugs with badges and guns.


Why don't some of these "Cop Watchers" start watching the criminals on the streets? Go out at night and tape people buying and selling drugs and burglarizing homes and businesses. Go in the alleyways and not so nice sections of town with their camera's rolling. They won't do that because it's not popular "online" and it's truly dangerous. They would rather harass cops and tie up the few Police on the streets making it harder for people who are in need of police assistance.

The Freedoms in this country have made too many here into Fools.


I will soon be enacting a world wide Constitution to oversee International Police Abuse (IPA). 

1.  No Testosterone injections or patches for male and female cops.

2.  Camera must be on and operating at all times when in uniform.

3.  Assume a person is INNOCENT until proven guilty.

4.  Do NOT tighten the handcuffs to an extreme level just because you CAN or you 

   are pissed off for not getting laid.

5.  Treat non violent suspects with an iota of respect as a human being.

6.  Let go of the ego and attitude.

7.  Don't kill a dog for barking, that is what they do.

8.  Don't kill another human because he/she is of a minority group you don't like.

9.  Don't steal drugs to sell later or for an upcoming party.

10.Erase the thin blue line once and for all.

11. And most importantly .........START acknowledging that you can be WRONG! 


As an officer, I can speak for most other officers.  We honestly don't mind you filming us.  Just please stay back from the business we are conducting so as not to get in the way and please don't intentionally act as a distraction.  We know you want attention, and all the power to you if that's what you need, but when it becomes a safety hazard to us, we have no choice but to intervene.


well the cops have not learned the lesson yet.. less money in the pot for things like millitary gear and other things they wish to have because they cant be trusted with those things.. rather then obey the law they now are going to face another law suit and lose as they continue to insist they can make up the laws as they go.. to bad they just wont learn and its funny the public expects them to behave something other then criminals with guns. we will continue to enforce the law even when the police refuse to. so every time this happens it will be another law suit and we will win i guess when they are to broke to continue to threaten law abiding people.

everlastingphelps topcommenter

By the way, there is a very good reason this issue hasn't made it to the SCOTUS yet.

ALL OF THE LOWER COURTS ARE IN AGREEMENT.  The right to videotape or photograph the police is WELL ESTABLISHED.

The SCOTUS resolves disputes between lowers courts.  THERE IS NO DISPUTE HERE.  The cops are wrong, and will continue to lose these cases, and continue to be personally liable.


the corruptness goes all the way up to city hall they tried to ban the 1st ammendment on the streets they were takin to court by Kory Watkins and the jugde ruled against Arlington 


me peronallly Id go gurilla style because then the cops would alwsays have to be alert and follow the Law the element of suprise would be best . Other Pds have seen the cop watchs of arlington and have called out APD on camera during other cop watch recordings


Traffic stop should be just what its called a Traffic stop not 20 quetsions and fish around for charges . give them the ticket and both be on their way . 



Cop Block = brand identity of certain specific franchise groups.

cop watching = activity participated by numerous police filming groups with various brand identities.

You wouldn't call a group of Texans and New Yorkers both "Texans", even if they both fall under the umbrella of "Americans".


@pgrove1704 You don't really want to videotape criminals as they do their business.  They don't like it.


@pgrove1704 what freedom?  The United States has the highest rate of incarceration in the world, and its not even close..look it up.  The rich continously buy themselves out of legal trouble, while the prisons swell with poor black folk.  A 14 year old and a 13 year old in Iowa were recently charged with felonies for peeling the bark of the tree of the local elementary school.  If you don't have a problem with this you are either a. Rich & white b. complicit or c. a goddamn fool.


@pgrove1704 You're an idiot, pal. Criminals are criminals, and break laws and do as they do...because they're criminals. Peace Officers are supposed to uphold the law, the constitution and not infringe on the liberty of the people. Spending resources to steal peoples money for non-violent, extremely minuscule traffic violations, getting heated or aggressive with someone at a stop or someone who refuses (legally) to identify ect.., are not the roles of peace officers. And its the peoples RIGHT to record and hold them accountable.

There are very LITTLE freedoms left in this country, because of people like you. You, who would trust police and government to do as they please with no accountability.

Bravo, you fool.


@PresidentofWorld Unfortunately it isn't a police officer's job to determine innocence or guilt. If they have "probable cause" then they will arrest. Then a judge sorts it out. But we have too many officers lately who go a step too far and act out their Judge Dredd fantasy by killing people on the streets.

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

@TexasCop "As an officer, I can speak for most other officers"

BULLSHIT. ... you speak for no one but yourself, asshole.


@TexasCop  Are you talking about the business of shooting dogs? 

I don't buy you are a cop except for this line........We know you want attention, and all the power to you if that's what you it shows the idiotic arrogance of a cop.

The sadness that exist is the NEED for cops to be video tapped and if they were doing there job accurately they would not care if someone was taping them EVEN IF IT WERE FOR ATTENTION. 

People that have a fear of dogs should never become cops.  And cops are no different when it comes to the statistic of those that kill dogs would also harm humans. 



Before the piling-on begins, thanks for speaking up here in this jungle of commenters. Seriously.

That said, would you agree that the legitimate "safety hazard" concern is precisely what is abused by some cops? And to put you on the spot, what's your opinion about the APD forming a wall of bodies specifically to counter filming? (at least, according to this story) Agreed about the attention-seekers in this group, BTW, seemingly determined to push the buttons for a reaction.

Finally, what's your opinion about always-on body cameras?

bmarvel topcommenter

@MissMacy I support his right to carry -- and use -- a camera in public. His insistence upon his "right" to carry a gun in public makes him, in my opinion, a doofus and a bully and a menace. But, then, that's just my opinion.



Which in no way invalidates the quoted statement. "If you do your homework" is so obliviously condescending that you rushed to make a point even though it wasn't germane to the quote. Yes, we've already established several times on this very blog page that lower courts have permitted it. You're late, and you're lazy.


@kmrfc  Yep enforcing warrants, attempting to police non-traffic related crimes during the pretense of a traffic stop leads to a rash of problems. It puts the officer in a dangerous situation with limited control and when the object of the side of the road investigation doesn't want to go quietly puts the general public in immediate danger when a high speed chase ensues or gun fire erupts. Any lawful citizen in that path or area when that occurs is put in danger.


@bvckvs @pgrove1704 Libertarian hahaha... no. I doubt you will find libertarians in the America inner cities brotha. That philosophy is reserved for Ayn Rand freaks. These are probably people who live in communities where police brutality is an everyday occurrence and they are trying to make sure police feel the heat for the injustices they perpetrate. 

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

@wcvemail "Before the piling-on begins, thanks for speaking up here in this jungle of commenters. Seriously."

So you blindly and naively believe the claims of authority from anonymous internet posters? 

Donkey Hotay

King of La Mancha

Slayer of Giants


@wcvemail @TexasCop  Only you, the biggest goof on this blog would sincerely believe this to be a cop. How freaking gullible can you be.


Marilyn Monroe


@bmarvel @MissMacy NO bill, He is being a doofus, bully and menace here too.  If he just wants to record cops fine, do it, but why bring a group and why test the cops by disobeying orders to stay at a certain distance instead of continuing to approach the scene, why is he becoming the scene, why does he need a group of people with him.   Thats right, just like his open carry protests, he is a giant pussy and needs a bunch of kooks just like him to make him feel good about what he does.  If he wants to carry, carry.   Just do it wherever he wants, instead of gathering groups of protesters.  If he wants to photo the police, fine, do it, why does he need ot create a group of people to go around doing it.  They are just media whores and nothing more


@wcvemail @JustAnObsv  What an idiot tool. Considering I was the first to mention it and other comments were AFTER mine. 

Go suck an egg dipsxxt


@BigAll @kmrfc if the cop sees you with your tail light out or expired registration or flicking your cigarette out the window why cant he just type your license plate into that laptop he is always looking/typing into while driving and have some underling just mail a ticket to your last traffic stops, no cops run over on the side of the DWI should be stopped and persons with APBs out on them etc.


@DonkeyHotay @wcvemail

I was extending the benefit of the doubt to a reasonably phrased comment, much as your teachers did when they held you over in sixth grade for the third consecutive year, hoping you'd progress.


@TXCopMyAzz @wcvemail @TexasCop

Thanks, Marilyn! Mom always told me I'd be the biggest in my field.

Not enough action on the Craigslist Rant-n-Rave cesspool for you today, had to come to UP?

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

@wcvemail "I was extending the benefit of the doubt .." 

Dear WCVemail:

Strictly Confidential and Urgent Business Proposal.

Re: Transfer Of Usd $21,500.000{Twenty - One Million, Five Hundred Thousand Us Dollars Only.

I am a member of the Federal Government Of Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (N.N.P.C). Sometime ago, a contract was awarded to a foreign firm in the Petroleum Trust Fund (P.T.F.) BY MY COMMITTEE.

This contract was over invoiced to the tune of us$ 21.5Million Dollars. This was done delibrately. The over - invoicing was a deal by my committee to benefit from the project. We not want to transfer this money, which is in a suspense account with the P.T.F. into any oversea account, which we expect you to provide for us. 

60 % of the money would be for my partners and I. 30 % of the money would be yours, for providing us with logistics, which, would include a safe bank account, where we shall facilitate funds transfer into, as soon as documentations are concluded over here. 10 % of the money has been mapped out from the total sum to cover any expenses that might be incurred during the course of the transaction, (both local and international expenses).

If interested in assisting us, please contact me via my secured satellite tel number- 881-631-410-574, specially procured for this project, using the text message.

Kindly contact me as soon as possible, whether or not you are interested in this deal, so that whereby you are not interested, it would give us more room to scout for another partner. But if you are interested, kindly contact me via above email, telephone or fax, so that we can swing into action, as time is not on our part.

I wait in anticipation of your fullest co-operation. Yours Faithfully,

Dr.Goronyo Baba

bmarvel topcommenter

@wcvemail @DonkeyHotay wcvemail -- For an insight into the donkey's operation, check out the Westword website (Denver's equivalent to DO's Unfair Park). where he's long since made himself a pest. There are some enlightening posts there. It's why I no longer bother to reply to him.

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

@wcvemail ... as the former Czar of Education, I speak for most educated people on planet earth, and declare you cluelessly naive regarding the claimed authority of anonymous internet posters.

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

@bmarvel ... on pshaw! .. the real reason is you can't refute the inconvenient truths that thoroughly maim your feeble assertions.


@DonkeyHotay @wcvemail

Had you not failed that third and final sixth-grade test, you'd know that "Czar of Education" is not capitalized unless it's used directly as a title, whereas "planet Earth" should be capitalized. G'bye, failure, I'm leaving your dreams now.

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

@wcvemail ... run along now, and be sure to fawn over the next self-proclaimed TexasCop who asserts he speaks for "most other officers".

Obsequious much?

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