
Drum Fill Friday, For Nov. 7

The impressively sleeved Motley Crue drummer Tommy Lee takes years of disappointment, frustration and unchecked rage out on a helpless drum kit. i i

The impressively sleeved Motley Crue drummer Tommy Lee takes years of disappointment, frustration and unchecked rage out on a helpless drum kit. Steve Marcus/Reuters/Corbis hide caption

itoggle caption Steve Marcus/Reuters/Corbis
The impressively sleeved Motley Crue drummer Tommy Lee takes years of disappointment, frustration and unchecked rage out on a helpless drum kit.

The impressively sleeved Motley Crue drummer Tommy Lee takes years of disappointment, frustration and unchecked rage out on a helpless drum kit.

Steve Marcus/Reuters/Corbis

No special theme to this week's Drum Fill Friday, unless you count "awesome" as a theme. I've got a little bit of metal, a little bit of R&B, some disco and '90s rock and roll wrapped up in this baby. If some of these feel too challenging, just remember the no-nonsense advice from the legendary jazz drummer, Buddy Rich: "You only get better by playing." Well, that and making yourself familiar with an unimaginable number of songs, genres and artists. Good luck, careful listeners.

As always, if you have a drummer or a fill you'd like to see featured in these weekly puzzlers, let us know in the comments section or via Twitter @allsongs, #drumfillfriday.



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