Friday, November 14, 2014. Last Update: Thu 2:45 PM EST

Politics & Policy


What can Jim Brady’s new site do for Philadelphia journalism?

Billy Penn targets a milliennial audience, with a focus on community-building

DETROIT, MI  — “Can it last?” That was the question we asked a year ago about AxisPhilly, an ambitious nonprofit journalism... More


What political reporters learned from the Colorado midterm election

State’s top journalists dissect the 2014 campaign season during panel

DENVER, CO -- While the midterms are over here in America's favorite swing state, that doesn't mean reporters are taking... More


A different approach to Veterans Day coverage

“The narrative of crazy veterans is probably overdone”

MIAMI, FL -- "A lot of [veterans] I know, especially the younger guys, are kind of tired of the woe... More


How did local TV cover California’s Prop 45?

A quick look at the good and not-so-good from two local stations

Almost lost in the aftermath of last week’s midterm elections was the defeat of California’s Prop 45, a ballot initiative... More


Knoxville’s alt-weekly wasn’t losing money. It got shut down anyway

Scripps pulls the plug on Metro Pulse in favor of an entertainment supplement for the local daily

In mid-October, the entire staff of Metro Pulse, Knoxville’s alt-weekly, was laid off. On Nov. 7, the News Sentinel, Knoxville’s... More


New York Times investigation sparks local scrutiny of state attorneys general

Reporters in Missouri, Florida, Washington and elsewhere follow up on a blockbuster story

Last week, Eric Lipton of The New York Times exposed the hell out the latest way corporate America evades accountability.... More


Why you can’t get strippers’ names with public records requests

An odd case highlights the tension between open government and personal privacy

Nightclubs featuring nude dancing and erotic entertainment. Government licensing of the club dancers. Open government. A civil engineer who wants... More


The ‘unmitigated disaster’ of Obamacare in Mississippi

Sarah Varney and Jeffrey Hess report the heck out of a grim, ominous healthcare story

Occasionally, I come across a truly exceptional story about the Affordable Care Act. A CJR laurel is in order... More


J-school students build skills to cover data-driven political campaigns

New York Times’ Derek Willis offers guidance to student journalists in West Virginia

As political campaigns become more and more data-driven and analytically sophisticated, driven by computing power, proprietary data, and deep pockets,... More


Alt-weekly publisher pens 2,500-word note explaining why he tried to embarrass a congressman with a chicken costume

Controversy roiled newsroom, but “there was very little external response to it,” editor says

When some news executives find themselves on the receiving end of reportorial scrutiny, they don't really seem to want to... More


Misleading Jack Schron ad prompts Cleveland’s Scene to review policy

A wrap ad that could be confused for an editorial endorsement is not a great idea

DETROIT, MI — This is the image on the front of the latest issue of Scene, the alt-weekly in Cleveland:... More


Why a campaign-finance loophole in Kansas needs more media attention

State courts are a new political battleground, but reporters here can’t see the full story

PRAIRIE VILLAGE, KS — This has been an unexpectedly busy and competitive campaign season in Kansas, and all eyes are... More


News executives need to explain why video of an Ohio campaign interview disappeared (UPDATED)

Footage of an interview with John Kasich and Ed FitzGerald was pulled, and Northeast Ohio Media Group won’t say why

Update, 11/5: NEOMG boss Chris Quinn explains his decisions in a column by reader rep Ted Diadiun, who ackn0wledges: "This is... More


6 ways reporters can cover Obamacare open enrollment

Journalists need to make sure people understand how to use the law and to point out where it falls short

As we head into the second Obamacare open enrollment season, the media have a chance to redeem themselves from last... More


Three Social Security issues that need more discussion

As program becomes a campaign topic again, reporters need to provide context and scrutiny

This has been an election season without a dominant theme. All of a sudden, though, Social Security, once considered an... More

Chuck Todd’s Obama book says more about the author than it does about the president - ‘The Stranger’ underscores a broader problem with the way we cover politics

The ‘unmitigated disaster’ of Obamacare in Mississippi - Sarah Varney and Jeffrey Hess report the heck out of a grim, ominous healthcare story

Why you can’t get strippers’ names with public records requests - An odd case highlights the tension between open government and personal privacy

Should journalism worry about content marketing? - Corporate brands now compete for audience with an aggressive storytelling strategy

News executives need to explain why video of an Ohio campaign interview disappeared - Footage of an interview with John Kasich and Ed FitzGerald was pulled, and Northeast Ohio Media Group won’t say why

On the ground in Aleppo (Syria Deeply)

Francesca Borri on reporting from a razed city

How Businessweek is reinventing the mag cover (Gizmodo)

“Since the publication’s relaunch in 2010, the creative team has been busy reshaping a stodgy magazine you’d only touch in your dentist’s waiting room into a dynamic, entertaining, and visually driven must-read”

Taking stock of ESPN’s journalism (ESPN)

An ombudsman recaps his term

John Oliver video sweepstakes (The Awl)

“We may update this list next week to reflect Facebook shares gathered by The Awl as the result of this post, which is ultimately an elaborate excuse to embed a John Oliver video on our website”


Greg Marx discusses democracy and news with Tom Rosenstiel of the American Press Institute

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