nice time!

Senate Dems Throw Elizabeth Warren-Shaped Bone To Annoying Liberal Base

Liz Warren, easy riding over the banks
The Huffington Post reports that popular populist Sen. Elizabeth Warren will assume a new leadership role in the rump Democratic caucus. She will be “crafting the party’s messaging and policy” in a “new position created specifically for her,” which is a notable ...
  Onward Judeo-Christian Soldiers

Bill O’Reilly Will Fight All The Muslims In The War On Christmas

Seems it comes earlier every year
It’s that time of year again. The first snows are falling, the college kids are planning their trips home for Thanksgiving break, and the calls for impeaching the president are stretching into their sixth year. And so, it it time for the festive celebration of the War On Christmas, that ...
  Well I think it's the liverBEST

Liverwurst Snack Just Like Your Grandmother Used To Make You Eat

As the holidays approach, you ought to start thinking about what you’re going to bring to your friend and family get-togethers. Well, yes a bottle of booze, but we mean something to share. How about something nostalgic of the 1950s, when canned food, chemical preservatives, and ...
  Poutine Eating Surrender Monkey

BREAKING: Ted Cruz Rolls Over, Asks Mitch McConnell To Rub His Belly

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), pitcured here without his carapace.
Hey, remember when Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Calgary) refused to commit to supporting Mitch McConnell as Majority Leader, right after McConnell engineered a takeover of the Senate? It’s a politically sensible position from a Tea Party contrarian dickhead senator, and surely it presaged the kind of ...
  That's Not What We Meme At All

Texas Congresstwit: Study Of Internet Spam Is Secret Obama Plot To Silence Conservatives

So you say there's a race of men in the trees? You're for prompt legislation.
It must be difficult to live in a world where dark conspiracies are always seeking to destroy America and crush freedom. And lord knows, Our Government has certainly done some seriously nasty stuff! The thing is — and we’re only telling you this because we think you can handle it ...
  Get The Huck Out Of Here

Mike Huckabee Declares Himself God’s Unqualified Instrument

Mike Huckabee’s Saturday night show on Fox News, “Huckabee,” could soon be killed by its host’s political ambitions, putting the cable commentary landscape in danger of losing a significant source of down-home everymanliness. Following a new profile in the Washington ...
  The Stupidity Crises Continues

House GOP Undecided On Whether To Investigate ‘Stupidity’

Elitist Liberal Called Us Dumm!
Well, here’s a huge surprise: The right has found a whole new reason to repeal Obamacare, impeach Obama, and maybe bomb Iran, just for good measure (that last may only be John McCain, though). You see, there’s this guy named Jonathan Gruber who was one of the “architects of ...
  Your Morning Maddow

Morning Maddow: WTF, Senate Democrats, Part Deux (Video)

Best jazz hands in the business
Rachel Maddow brings us this lovely follow-up to her Tuesday-night WTF at Senate Democrats’ decision to just give up on confirming Loretta Lynch as attorney general. Get ready for more WTF: The Senate isn’t apparently going to confirm any of the 160 Obama nominees, but as a special ...
  Here have some news n stuff

Awww, Is Justice Scalia Having A Bad Day? Good.

Suck it
You’ve probably heard by now that yet another state — this time, the Kansas-shaped one — has gone and gotten itself all gayed up and equalified, thanks to a very brief “yup, go ahead and marry whomever you want, we are so bored with this conversation” order from ...
  Montage A Trois

Here’s The Best Ebola Freakout Montage You’ll See All Day (Video)

We'd like to think ther red curtains are a hat tip to Twin Peaks
Hey, remember how a couple weeks ago we were all going to get Ebola and die when our internal organs liquefied, and we couldn’t trust anything the government said, and it was time to freak the fuck out? And then suddenly it was all over and there was no more Ebola no more, and purely ...
  letter from beijing

Hello! I, Vladimir Putin, Am Macking Way Through Far East

You cannot resist Vladimir.
Greetings, dissolute Western offal! It is I, Vladimir Putin, here again to speak on your Wonkette, to cheer you while you slog through charred hellscape of end-stage capitalism that is America. Please to quit moping over tiny paychecks in your shrinking middle-class jobs and pay attention. ...
  Huh? What?

A Serious Critique Of Net Neutrality By Serious Donald Trump, Who Is Serious

Always confused, never in doubt
Ever since President Obama announced that he was going to socialize the interwebs — or as actual grown-ups call it, asking the FCC to reclassify broadband as a utility, thus ensuring net neutrality — the response from the right has been as thoughtful and reasonable as you’d ...
  Letters Of...Holy Shit!

FBI Tried To Slut-Shame Martin Luther King Into Suicide in 1964

The billboards didn't work either
A truly astonishing historical document was released Tuesday: A 1964 letter sent by the FBI to Martin Luther King, attempting to blackmail him with the release of surveillance tapes of his scandalous sexxytimes. The letter, published in the New York Times by Yale historian Beverly Gage, was ...
  Ban Women As 'Attractive Nuisances' Too

Georgia Town Bans Abortions Because They’re, Like, So Much Drama

Just in case you were having trouble staying wide awake all night
The town council of Rossville, Georgia, has taken decisive action to make sure that no pregnant sluts go and ‘bort their babbies in town unless they have a darn good reason, like a handwritten note from Jesus. In a unanimous vote Monday, the council banned any abortion clinics within city ...
  this is why we can't have nice things

Musicians Dishonor Troops, Make The Baby Jesus Bald Eagle Cry

Damn dirty longhairs
Did everyone catch the terrible Concert for Valor to honor our military veterans last night? We say it was terrible because some of the musicians took it upon themselves to dishonor the troops, the flag, the bald eagle, Mom, apple pie, baseball and Michael Bay movies. What was the offense ...
  soul searching

Stop Wasting Money And Let Conservative Dems Just Go Extinct

With votes.
On Monday, beltway bullshit scorecard POLITICO reported that nominal Democratic senators like Joe Manchin, Claire McCaskill, and Heidi Heitkamp appear eager to help the new Republican majority advance legislation. Manchin even called the idea of not working with Republicans to promote their ...
  This is your Bae

This Reuben Sandwich Will Get You Through Anything

We need to have a Reuben Sandwich. Corned beef, Swiss cheese, Thousand Island dressing on rye, and grilled with butter in an iron pan. Reuben got me through freshman year at college. When I was 18, I worked at a 24-hour diner until midnight, five or seven days a week. Employees were paid ...
  Duggar? I Hardly Even Knew 'Er!

The Duggars Want Photos Of Happy Married Couples. Gay Folks Know What They Must Do

So beautiful and Goddy
Hey, kids, the Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, First Family of the Quiverful movement (motto: “Babies For God! Shoes For Industry!”), just put up a Facebook post to let the world know that married people kissyface is the greatest thing in the world. And they were actually being very ...
  You Know We're Good For It

Kansas Will Fill Sam Brownback’s Budget Hole With Payday Loans, Bake Sales

How fiscally efficient are you feeling these days, people of Kansas? Now that your education and welfare funding have been pillaged to enrich the state’s upper crust, you might think you’ve trimmed all the fat you can, but newly re-elected Gov. Sam Brownback has faith that you can ...
  Let's Roll Up Our Sleeves And Do Nothing

Sort-Of Democrat Joe Manchin Happy To Help Republicans Any Way He Can

Any questions?
Sen. Joe Manchin, the charming West Virginian who enjoys shooting pieces of paper and secretly wearing Republican undergarments, explained in an interview with Politico that he simply will not tolerate fellow Democrats who might try to obstruct the Republican legislative agenda. Quoth the ...
  Another liberal conspiracy

United States And China Agree To Keep Pushing ‘Climate Change’ Hoax

(Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
Great news for those greedy climate change “scientists.” The leaders of Communist China and even-more-Communist America have agreed to agree that their two nations, as the leading polluters of this one planet we have here, should maybe try to do something about that. The landmark ...
  Your Morning Maddow

Morning Maddow: Sorry, Barry, Lamest Lame Ducks Ever Giving Up On Confirming Loretta Lynch (Video)

Thanks a lot, Senate Dems -- you've made Rachel wear her 'I can't believe this shit' face.
Yr Wonkette would just like to remind you that it’s awfully early in the day to start drinking. For some reason, that snippet of advice occurs to us as we bring you Rachel Maddow’s lead story from Tuesday night: Looks like Democrats in the Senate won’t even bother to try ...