Friday, November 14, 2014. Last Update: Thu 2:45 PM EST



Capitalize this

What the upper case means for the folk phrase: “If the good Lord’s willing and the creek don’t rise”

If you read a historical document, like the Declaration of Independence, you'll notice the capitalization of lot of words we... More


Getting to know a ‘monger’

The wares of this word are sometimes fish, and sometimes just smell

This week, many people may be worried about the "fear-mongering" around Ebola. Others may wonder which "rumor-mongering" politician to vote... More


As long as the NCAA refuses to pay players, journalists need to cover it more critically

Why are major outlets devoting resources to investigate an organization with out-of-date rules?

University of Georgia running back Todd Gurley, once a Heisman Trophy frontrunner, was suspended by the NCAA for four games... More


The history of ‘wrestle’

Getting to the root of the word

The football player "wrestled" the ball away from an opponent and scored a touchdown. Shareholders "wrestled" control of a company... More


There are a lot of ways to misuse ‘hirsute’

Hairy vocabulary

We're going to make things a little "hairy" this week, in several senses of the word. "Hirsute" means "hairy," but... More


How common descriptors fall out of favor

The ‘skunking’ of ‘Oriental’

Once upon a time, as far back as 40 years or so, language pedants would not use "hopefully" to mean... More


We Need to Talk is part of the solution

A new CBS show is breaking barriers for women in sports media

To say that We Need To Talk, CBS Sports Network's new show with a cast of all women, picked a... More


Sonic storytelling

Why filmmakers are tuning into experiences that we might otherwise ignore

In August, when documentary filmmakers Pacho Velez and Dan Claridge began shooting a film about a drag-racing track in upstate... More


Why you use your ‘logon’ to ‘log on’

It’s all about the adverbs

Time to start work. So you "log on" to your computer, using your "logon" or "log-on," or your user name.... More


Life as a ghostwriter

Hanging out with famous athletes isn’t always fun and games

Willie Mays' agent was on the phone. I was ghostwriting Willie's autobiography, even though we had never met. "Willie likes... More


Beware journo-speak

Only journalists would call a tragedy a “mishap”

The public editor for The New York Times, Margaret Sullivan, wrote a wonderful piece last month about how word selection... More


How OkCupid is bolstering data journalism

Digital companies discover patterns in usage

In the introduction of Dataclysm: Who We Are (When We Think No One is Looking), published last month, OkCupid co-founder... More


Shakespeare didn’t say that

Lines that are (mis)attributed to the Bard

Hell hath no fury like a writer scorned, and, should Shakespeare be alive today, he might feel much scorn'd. People... More


In all the goodbyes, media didn’t catch why Jeter will be missed

The shortstop had plenty of positive attention thanks to an absent third baseman.

From the perspective of the New York Yankees' marketing department, it is lucky that Alex Rodriguez spent the final season... More


Why Bill Simmons might leave ESPN

Other outlets would jump at the chance to gain his following

"Don't get fired, Bill." That's Jalen Rose's maxim, repeated whenever he sees Bill Simmons, his ESPN colleague and periodical podcast... More

Chuck Todd’s Obama book says more about the author than it does about the president - ‘The Stranger’ underscores a broader problem with the way we cover politics

The ‘unmitigated disaster’ of Obamacare in Mississippi - Sarah Varney and Jeffrey Hess report the heck out of a grim, ominous healthcare story

Why you can’t get strippers’ names with public records requests - An odd case highlights the tension between open government and personal privacy

Should journalism worry about content marketing? - Corporate brands now compete for audience with an aggressive storytelling strategy

News executives need to explain why video of an Ohio campaign interview disappeared - Footage of an interview with John Kasich and Ed FitzGerald was pulled, and Northeast Ohio Media Group won’t say why

On the ground in Aleppo (Syria Deeply)

Francesca Borri on reporting from a razed city

How Businessweek is reinventing the mag cover (Gizmodo)

“Since the publication’s relaunch in 2010, the creative team has been busy reshaping a stodgy magazine you’d only touch in your dentist’s waiting room into a dynamic, entertaining, and visually driven must-read”

Taking stock of ESPN’s journalism (ESPN)

An ombudsman recaps his term

John Oliver video sweepstakes (The Awl)

“We may update this list next week to reflect Facebook shares gathered by The Awl as the result of this post, which is ultimately an elaborate excuse to embed a John Oliver video on our website”


Greg Marx discusses democracy and news with Tom Rosenstiel of the American Press Institute

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The Business of Digital Journalism

A report from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism

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