Richard Connor Blasts Water Board (And Star-T In Roundabout Way)

Posted May 10, 2013 by Jeff Prince in Blotch
(flickr photo by howard dickens)(flickr photo by howard dickens)

Fort Worth Business Press chairman Richard Connor threw a hard uppercut at the Tarrant Regional Water District’s board of directors in yesterday’s column.


Among other things, he said the water board has become a “vehicle used by arrogant, overreaching politicians and bureaucrats to roll over taxpayers and property owners with the ill-advised, outrageously expensive boondoggle known as the Trinity River Vision.”

Connor was Fort Worth Star-Telegram publisher from 1986 to 1997 (and roundly disliked in the newsroom).

Newspaper publishers don’t generally control editorial content, but it seems unlikely that the pro-incumbent, pro-Trinity River Vision, serial butt kissing Star-Telegram would have embarrassed itself quite as much with its recent water board election coverage had Connor still been there.

The Star-Telegram isn’t content to have editorial writers and columnists endorse the status quo. Reporters have even joined the cheering section.

Nobody will accuse Breitbart of going soft on the water district or the Star-Telegram.

The Dallas Observer piped in as well.

And quite a few local bloggers are having fun over water district honcho Jim Oliver’s email pissing match with water board candidate John Basham.



    What’s wrong with kissing cereal butts?


    >>>>(and roundly disliked in the newsroom)<<<<

    That is a good thing if people like Baghdad Bud Kennedy and Mike Norman dislike you. A very good thing. Bam!

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