White House Advisors Torn as to When Obama Should Unleash Amnesty Bomb

How about never?

From Breitbart:

Fox News Chief White House Correspondent Ed Henry reported that White House advisers were split on the issue of whether the president should delay his planned executive action on immigration until mid-December on Thursday’s “Special Report.”

“Circle December 11, 12 on the calendar…the continuing resolution, basically funding for the government runs out right around then, I’m told some of the president’s advisers are saying ‘don’t blow up that budget deal by doing [these] immigration executive orders in the next few days.’ They don’t believe either party will shut the government down over this, although that’s a possibility. But there’s a lot of nominations that the president wants to get through while [Sen.] Harry Reid (D-NV) is still in charge of the Senate, especially Loretta Lynch, as Attorney General, of course. They’re saying ‘don’t do anything in the short term. Wait until mid-December.’ But, I’m told there are other senior advisers to the president saying ‘go forward next week or in the next few days and get this done, rip the Band-Aid off. Because Republicans are going to be mad either way. Just get this done and over with’” he said.



Aurelius is the Managing Editor and co-founder of Pundit Press. Pundit Press is one of the leading and most well respected news and information websites on the internet today. Pundit Press offers breaking news, in-depth reporting, and opinion writing. Pundit Press Radio has quickly become one of the leading internet broadcasters with some of the top conservative hosts and shows on the web today. 

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