NY Times: Obama Executive Moves are Attempt to Stay Relevant

He’s relevant all right. A relevant fool and lesson to the American people on what to avoid in the future.

From the NY Times:

President Obama emerged from last week’s midterm election rejected by voters, hobbled politically and doomed to a final two years in office suffering from early lame-duck syndrome. That, at least, was the consensus in both parties. No one seems to have told Mr. Obama.

In the 10 days since “we got beat,” as he put it, by Republicans who captured the Senate and bolstered control over the House, Mr. Obama has flexed his muscles on immigration, climate change and the Internet, demonstrating that he still aspires to enact sweeping policies that could help define his legacy.

The timing of the three different decisions was to some extent a function of separate policy clocks, not simply a White House political strategy. Mr. Obama, for example, had been scheduled to travel to China for a summit meeting in mid-November, and American officials have been trying for most of the year to negotiate a climate agreement for him to announce while in Beijing.

Still, even if by happenstance, the back-to-back moves have reinforced Mr. Obama’s desire to assert himself in a period when his poll numbers and political capital are at their lowest ebbs. While losing Congress was a grievous blow that will further challenge his capacity to govern, advisers said that he feels liberated. He can now pursue his long-term agenda, they said, without being tethered to the short-term electoral concerns of his party’s leadership in Congress.



Aurelius is the Managing Editor and co-founder of Pundit Press. Pundit Press is one of the leading and most well respected news and information websites on the internet today. Pundit Press offers breaking news, in-depth reporting, and opinion writing. Pundit Press Radio has quickly become one of the leading internet broadcasters with some of the top conservative hosts and shows on the web today. 

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