NY Times: Obama Executive Moves are Attempt to Stay Relevant


He’s relevant all right. A relevant fool and lesson to the American people on what to avoid in the future. From the NY Times: President Obama emerged from last week’s midterm election rejected by voters, hobbled politically and doomed to a final two years in office suffering from early lame-duck syndrome. That, at least, was…

White House Advisors Torn as to When Obama Should Unleash Amnesty Bomb


How about never? From Breitbart: Fox News Chief White House Correspondent Ed Henry reported that White House advisers were split on the issue of whether the president should delay his planned executive action on immigration until mid-December on Thursday’s “Special Report.” “Circle December 11, 12 on the calendar…the continuing resolution, basically funding for the government…

ISIS, al Qaeda Reach Accord in Iraq


The enemy of my enemy… From the AP: Militant leaders from the Islamic State group and al-Qaida gathered at a farm house in northern Syria last week and agreed on a plan to stop fighting each other and work together against their opponents, a high-level Syrian opposition official and a rebel commander have told The…

Harry Reid Begs President Obama not to Take Executive Action on Amnesty

Harry Reid

Don’t worry, Reid hasn’t decided to grow a conscience. He’s doing this because he’s afraid of Republicans changing the budget (and probably about the Senate race in Louisiana). From HuffPo: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said Thursday that he has urged President Barack Obama not to take any executive action on immigration until December,…

PETA Opens Video Game-Headquarters in Minecraft


PETA, or People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, has created a headquarters, gardens, and abandoned circuses and slaughterhouses. And this isn’t in real life; they’ve done this in the massively popular Minecraft. And just as you might expect from PETA, people are not allowed to harm digital chickens or pigs on their game server.…