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Valet Parking Permits
Valet Parking
Valet parking is a service provided by a business located within the City limits in which a person operates a vehicle to and from a parking location so that the driver and any passengers may unload and load at their immediate destination. This applies to a business that desires to operate a valet parking service on a public street or right of way within the City limits or on a private property which would require the use of a public street or right of way. It does not apply to occasional valet parking services provided at a private residence or in connection with a social or fundraising activity.

Permit Applications
The applicant must complete one Valet Parking Permit Application per site. The application must be made by the owner or lessee of the premises benefiting from the proposed valet parking service.

The applicant must provide proof of a policy of garage liability and garage keepers' liability insurance. For more information regarding insurance requirements, see Section 5-266 of Ordinance 904.

Return the Application
Applications should be returned to:

Public Works Administration and Engineering
Attn: Robert H. Price, P.E., Director of Public Works
1400 Main Street, Suite 320
Southlake, Texas 76092

Valet parking fees:
  • The applicant must pay an annual fee of $500 for each approved application.
  • If more than two spaces are required, the fee is $50 per additional space, per year.

Approval Process
The completed application will be reviewed by Public Works, the Department of Public Safety and any other department that might be affected by the operation of the proposed valet parking service. The permit will be issued once the application, payment of all fees and review process have been completed.

Permit Renewal
The Valet Parking Permit expires one year from the date of issuance. The permit must be renewed at least 30 days before expiration through a renewal application in which the applicant must disclose any changes related to the valet parking service and payment of all necessary fees. If no changes are requested for the valet parking services, a renewal request on business letterhead to the attention of the Public Works Director shall suffice for renewal of the permit in lieu of a new application submittal. Failure to apply for renewal of Valet Parking Permit shall necessitate initiation of a new application.