During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. - George Orwell

Submit a Post

Use the Form Below To:

  1. Recount your own police interaction – give a complete overview of what happened and include (if possible) related pictures/video, name and badge number, agency, contact information for person and agency. You’re encouraged to first review the post “So You’ve Been Wronged by a Police Employee?
  2. Recount a police interaction you witnessed – give a complete overview of what happened and include (if possible) related pictures/video, name and badge number, agency, contact information for person and agency
  3. Share your own writing – something you think it’d fit on copblock.org, original piece or cross-posted, be sure to include links to your blog/site and contact information on how others can find you
  4. Share relevant content posted elsewhere – please include the related URL and one or two paragraphs of your own thoughts.

Thanks in advance for your involvement – this decentralization is key to effect real change!

Keep in Mind:

  1. If you only share a URL, with no accompany text, the submission will not be posted
  2. The form below is NOT for comments or questions – please share those via our Contact Form
  3. Once published, posts stay published
  4. Content made live to CopBlock.org is fed to Facebook.com/CopBlock and Twitter.com/CopBlock



Submit a Post to CopBlock

  • When did the police interaction occur? This information is objective, and thus will help those who may call or who submit FOIA requests about the incident.
  • Include the name - and if known, the badge numbers - of the person(s) involved. Individuals are responsible for their actions. The more we can focus attention on the aggressors themselves, and not an entire police outfit, the better.
  • What is the phone number, email and other contact information for the police outfit where the police employee(s) with whom you interacted work? Providing this information it will make it much more likely that others will call or comment to voice their thoughts, and make clear that others are paying attention. The court of public opinion is powerful.
  • If there's a video of the incident provide the URL. If your post is deemed relevant for copblock.org your video will be embedded in the post.
  • If you have a picture related to the incident please upload it here. Having such visualizations will result in more eyes on your post. If you don't have a picture of the incident you can always include a picture taken from the website of the police outfit where the aggressor(s) are employed.
  • Provide a chronological write-up. The more informative the more-likely it is that it'll be posted and will have traction. For suggestions on how to make your overview effective see: http://copblock.org/so-youve-been-wronged-by-a-police-employee (note that that link is clickable on the graphic immediately above this form)
    (give additional instructions below)


If you have some time and want to end the police state that says one group of people have more rights than other group of people, check out this playlist:



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