Welcome to Mesquite Cop Block

Mesquite, Texas is a good place to live, raise a family, work, shop and play. Residents are rightfully proud of the City that they call home. Our goal is for a peaceful, safe and prosperous Mesquite free of oppression. We stand united behind the members of the Mesquite Police Department (MPD) who have honored they oaths and have acted in good faith.
Mesquite Cop Block was formed to insure public integrity, to support and promote good law enforcement and to educate the public. Mesquite, Texas Cop Block is allied with the Cop Block project. Cop Block is a decentralized project supported by a diverse group of individuals united by their shared goal of police accountability.
Types of misconduct include, lying under oath, obtaining involuntary confessions, falsifiing evidence, false imprisonment, police brutality and more. If you see something, say something. We encourage every citizen to take an active role in enforcing public integrity; video law enforcement activity and contact Mesquite, Texas Cop Block. We must guard our liberties jealously.