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Texas Turnaround at SH 114 @ N. Carroll

Project Information
The Texas Turnaround project aims to ease the traffic congestion at the SH 114 and North Carroll Avenue intersection and serves multiple purposes: 

  • The project will help with the anticipated increase in traffic along SH 114 due to the completion of the DFW Connector project. The Texas Turnaround will provide access along SH 114 and the already busy intersection at North Carroll Avenue by allowing drivers an alternative route to get to the various retail sites in Town Square and between Kimball Avenue and Carroll Avenue. It is anticipated that the increase in traffic will bring more people to these areas and it's important that the City can handle the additional flow at these intersections. The Texas Turnaround will provide that relief. 

  • With more people able to visit the retail sites along SH 114, the Texas Turnaround will also open the door for additional retail development. Cooper & Stebbins, a partner in the project, held discussions with potential retail outlets and the lack of direct access to the Southlake Town Square development was a possible hindrance to future retail development. The Turnaround project will remove that roadblock and hopefully attract additional retail development to the City.     

  • The project will help ease traffic build-up caused by weekly services and daily events held at Gateway Church. This build up makes it difficult to maneuver through the intersections at North Carroll Avenue in order to return in an easterly direction. The back-up leads to heavy delays and heavy traffic volumes increase the potential for accidents at the intersection.The Texas Turnaround project will help ease that burden by redirecting traffic away from the intersection, reducing congestion in the process. 

The project is a partnership between the City of Southlake and the:

By entering into these partnerships, the City is able to construct the Texas Turnaround to help ease these traffic problems at a reasonable cost. Because each of these partners bears a portion of the $2 million, Southlake is saving $1.7 million to construct this much needed project (see budget breakdown below).  

Project Details
McMahon Contracting, L.P.
$2,000,000 (Total Budget)
  • $900,000 (TxDOT and NCTCOG Portion)
  • $350,000 (Southlake Portion that includes $100,000 for aesthetic upgrades)
  • $250,000 (Tarrant County Portion)
  • $250,000 (Cooper & Stebbins Portion)
  • $250,000 (Gateway Church Portion)
Construction Start Date:
January 2014
Anticipated Completion Date:
Fall 2014
Status: Under construction
TxDOT Contact: Val Lopez, TxDOT PIO, (817) 370-6630 or
Staff Contact:
Cheryl Taylor, P.E., C.F.M.
Deputy Director - Engineering, City Engineer
Phone Number:
(817) 748-8100

Related Articles

TxDOT press release for the Texas Turnaround Project.

Visit the "Construction Around Town" blog for updates:

For a more detailed description of this project, please see the "Public Works Capital Projects" quarterly report. 

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