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12-inch Water Line Extension West Bob Jones

Bob Jones Rd.JPG

Project Information

This project involves installing a 12-inch water line in order to provide water service to the properties along West Bob Jones. The installation of the waterline will provide fire protection to nearby properties and allow for development in this area, which is currently vacant land. 

Project Details
Engineering Consultant: MLA Consulting
Construction Contractor:     Wilson Contractor Services, LLC
Budget: $500,000
Construction Start Date: November 2013
Anticipated Completion Date: Fall 2014 (Phase II)
  • Phase I Completed
  • A change order was approved with Wilson Contractor Services in November 2013
  • An engineering agreement with MLA was signed September 2013
Staff Contact: Alex Ayala, P.E.
Title: Civil Engineer
Phone Number: (817) 748-8274

For a more detailed description of this project, please see the "Public Works Capital Projects Update" quarterly report. 

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