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Pressure Regulating Valves
River Oaks Meter.JPG
                                                             Pressure Regulating Valve

Project Information
This project will include the installation of pressure regulating valves (PRV) between the City's high pressure and low pressure water systems. This will improve fire flow capacities in the event of an emergency during peak water use periods.This project will also require the construction of vaults, and the installation of electronic telemetry to monitor and activate the valves via the City's current remote system.

Project Details
Engineering Consultant: Neel Schaffer
Contractor: Wilson Contractor Services, LLC.
Budget: $627,128.70
Construction Start Date: January 2014
Anticipated Completion Date: Winter 2014
  • Under construction
  • Council awarded the contract to the lowest bidder, Wilson Contractor, at the November 5th, 2013 City Council meeting
  • Bids advertised Sunday, September 29th 2013 and Sunday, October 6th 2013
  • Council approved this project as part of the FY 2013 budget on September 18, 2012
Southlake 2030 Comprehensive Master Plan Item:
This project has been identified as a Southlake 2030 Tier I Water System Master Plan recommendation reference no. WWS1.
Staff Contact: Alex Ayala, P.E
Title: Civil Engineer
Phone Number: (817) 748-8274

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