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Town Square Enhancements Project
2013-3-27TownHall 009.jpg

Project Information
The Town Square Enhancements Project includes improvements all across Southlake Town Square to maintain the aesthetic appeal of the development. Planned enhancements include roadway improvements, enhanced landscaping, drainage improvements, sidewalk repairs, and repairs to the handrails on the Town Hall steps.

Project Details
Roadway Improvements: 

  • Grand Avenue repaving - Complete
  • State Street repaving - Complete
  • Civic Place repaving - Complete
  • Main Street repaving - Complete
  • Fountain Place repaving - Complete
  • Central Avenue from FM1709 to Main St. repaving - Complete
  • Prospect Street from N. Carroll Avenue to State Street repaving - Complete
  • Construct two lane road extending State St. from Federal Way to Division Street- FY 2014 - 2015

Sidewalk Improvements:

  • Reconstruct sidewalk around Town Hall                                      
  • Repainting of handicapped ramps
  • Handrail refurbishment around Town Hall
  • Re-construct Grand Avenue Phase sidewalks - FY 2015

Drainage Improvements:

  • Drainage improvements completed in conjunction with sidewalk improvements on north side of Town Hall

Summit Park Improvements:

  • Turf and irrigation improvements
  • Landscape enhancements
  • Retaining wall

McPherson Park Improvements:

  • Landscape enhancements
  • Tree replacement

Streetscape Improvements:

  • Landscape enhancements
  • Tree replacement

  • 2011: $200,000
  • 2012: $250,000
  • 2013: $250,000
  • 2014: $250,000
  • 2015: $250,000

For further information on this project, please see the "Public Works Capital Projects" quarterly report. 

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